Generations of artists? Or how to set up an art scene.The discourse of Malba and Mamba on the 21st century. Battezzati, Agustina
Postmodern Aesthetic Thinking In photography Cárdenas-Chapa, Eugenia
Feminine paradigms embodied in art and perception of women at the beginning of the 21st century in Mexico and Latin America García-Guerra, Gabriela Arhelí; Revueltas-Valle, Coral
Symptom and loss in two Yishai Jusidman paintings Alonso, Adriana
The ideas of Poiesis, Praxis and Techné in Artistic Production Zambrano U., H. Marcelo
Pancho Jaime: big deal being a politician Carrillo, Jorge
La Muerte del Guerrillero: a musical-graphical analysis Guzmán-Barrios, Rafael
Forms, encounters, mixtures Communication, art and contemporary sensibility (a reading by Bourriaud). Lenarduzzi, Victor; Samela, Gabriela
On experience and the art of narrating. A dialogue between Walter Benjamin and and an artwork of Navin Rawanchaikul Urtubey, Pedro Ignacio
Automobiles and locomotives with the air of foals Futurism in Montevidean literature by Alfredo Mario Ferreiro Cohen, Verónica
Fissures in the Perception of the Visual Urban Environment Yépez-Collantes, Raúl
Atucucho 1988, towards a cine-minga: emancipatory possibilities in a collective audiovisual production Bermeo, Emilio
How to think design and its history Calisto, María Luz
Visual dramaturgy or a transdisciplinary cartography Vindas-Villarreal, Bryan
Mini TEA space: discover, experiment and create Tudela Caño, Paloma
Dialogue as method Vega, Roberto; Flores, Pilar
Proposal for a post-extractivist aesthetic regime Roesch, Anaís
UN MARTES CUALQUIERA. Appear / disappear from the political body Laso, François
#body_writer: Reconstruction and reaffirmation of body through digital media Salazar-Rodríguez, Ernesto
I(n)equivocas: Notes about an object Segovia, Ana Isabel; de Neufville, Flora; Giraldo Morales, Mariuxi
Geographies of the mortality of Julia Vidal Barreiro-Moreira, Marcela
Reflections on artistic creation, methodological processes and results. Tours and findings Chenche, Luis Alberto
Funky ideas for a creative process Dalgo, Patricio
Minor scene. Artistic-cultural practices in Chile, 1990-2015, by Carolina Benavente (2018) Ibarra Covarrubias, Samuel