| Table of contents Rev Politéc. (Quito) vol.42 n.2 Quito Nov./Jan. 2019 Press Release | | | |
Cognitive social zones for improving the pedestrian collision avoidance with mobile robots Herrera, Daniel; Gimenez, Javier; Monllor, Matias; Roberti, Flavio; Carelli, Ricardo
| | Risk of Sodicity in the Soils of Canton Milagro, Guayas-Ecuador at Time of Dryness Pérez Molina, Alexandra
| | Algebraic IDA-PBC for Polynomial Systems with Input Saturation: An SOS-based Approach Cieza A., Oscar B.; Reger, Johann
| | Evaluation of IMERG V03 and TMPA V7 products in the detection of flood events in Cañar river basin Guachamín, Wilmer; Páez-Bimos, Sebastián; Horna, Natalia
| | Mathematical Statistical Analysis About the behavior of the Electrical Conditions Established under the ISO Standard Test 16750-2 in Two Automotive Alarm Modules in Ecuador Pancha, Johnny; Rojas, Vicente; Lema, Jorge; Arteaga, Gerardo
| | Analysis for the Implementation of the Quality Management System and the Environmental Management System for the Instrumental Analysis Laboratory of the National Polytechnic School Delgado, Mónica Susana; Cabrera, Marcelo; Pérez, Gabriela
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