ISSN 1390-7247 print version
ISSN 2528-7907 online version




1. Articles will be admitted from the OJS (Open Jornal System) platform, where they will be processed and the author enters the document indicating compliance with:
. Declaring that the submission has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in this regard in the comments to the editor).
. The send file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
. Whenever possible, URLs will be provided for website references, with recovery dates.
. The text has double spacing; 12 font size points; italics are used instead of underlined (except for URL addresses); and all the illustrations, figures and tables are placed in Annexes and referred to in the text corresponding to their data.
. Figures and tables must be delivered in separate Word files.
. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the format standards (2.2).
. There are no disputes between authors in articles written in co-authorships.
. The Metadata of all authors and collaborators who have worked on the Article, with their full names and two surnames, data of the affiliation and email must be registered.


2.1 In addition, the author in his article must meet the following basic rules

a- Provide a degree in Spanish and English
b- Place a summary in Spanish and English
c- Provide up to 5 keywords, or key phrases in Spanish and English.
e- Declare the affiliation of each author and email addresses.


2.2 Format Standards

. Paper: letter size (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm (8 1/2 "x 11")).
. Margins of 2.54 cm on all sides of the sheet.
. Bleeding: At the beginning of a paragraph, indentation should be applied on the first 5 cm line, with respect to the edge of the leaf. Do not place spacing between paragraphs.
. Times New Roman font size 12pt.
. The alignment of the body of scientific work should be to the left and with a 1.5 cm spacing.
. The numbering should start on the first sheet of the written work and the location of the number should be in the upper right.
. Titles of figures and tables must be matched with the horizontal distance of the text and appear in the body of the text, will be 12 points in size and 1.5 cm spaces.
. Any word that has tilde or dieresis must respect the respective spelling rule, also being applied in capital letters.
. To refer to the name of organizations, these will be done in the original language followed by their acronym, separated by a hyphen, and if necessary, their translation in Spanish will be included.
. To write bibliographic citations within the text, APA sixth edition rules will apply. Footer appointments are not supported.
. Footnotes will be used only to explain a small text, not to quote, a 12-point size letter will be used and should not exceed 5 lines (40 words), if exceeded, must be explained in the body of the text. In the case of footnotes, up to 5 are allowed.
. Tables and figures (only 2 tables are allowed, or two figures, or one of each), quality is required in tables and figures for printing, they must be sent in attached files, in word format, as "file complementary ", in the magazine platform.
. The photographs must have a resolution of 300 dpi in A4 size. Titles and sources must be clear and concise; and the information must be necessary to help reading. If an authorization is necessary for the publication of the material, it is the responsibility of the person who writes the article.


2.3 Sections of the Article

FIRST PAGE. It must contain the following sections:
-Title. In Spanish and English, lowercase. Justification centered. Do not exceed 15 words, it must be analyzed by the editor, which responds to the content of the text, so it can be modified with the author.
-Data of the Author or Authors. Lowercase Justification centered. It should appear: full names, professional category, institutional affiliation (full name, for example, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador), email and ORCID. It is mandatory to indicate the academic degree
-Summary in Spanish. It is written in a single paragraph. It must not exceed 200 words. It must contain the importance and timeliness of the topic, objectives pursued, temporal and spatial context of the research, methodology used, advance of findings, conclusions, objects and subject of study. It should be written impersonally: "The present study is analyzed ..."
Summary in English (ABSTRACT). It is written in a single paragraph. It should not exceed 200 words and should express the same content of the abstract in Spanish, the translation should be written in style, it is suggested not to use automatic translators, as for the title, and the keywords,
Keywords in Spanish and English. Five words or groups of phrases, arranged alphabetically, the first with an initial capital letter, the rest in lower case, separated by semicolons (;), must be presented in Spanish and English (KEYWORDS).
Article body. It must contain the following sections, all justified on the left, in bold and lowercase:
-Introduction. You must make clear the background, basis and purpose of the study, objectives and problems addressed, as well as the methodology to be used, using bibliographic citations, as well as the review of the most significant literature on the subject at national and international level.
-Methodology. It must be presented with sufficient clarity and detail so that another researcher can replicate the study. The sample and sampling strategies will be described, as well as reference to the type of statistical analysis used.
-Results. The data must be presented clearly and succinctly. There should be no redundancy between text, tables and figures. The analysis must be consistent with the type of data, which must be well executed and interpreted.
-Discussion. The results must be located within the framework of the research presented in the introduction. Literature must be properly managed, citations being adequate and sufficient.
-Conclusions. They must be expressed clearly and in relation to the objectives, data, interpretation and discussion.
-Bibliographic references.
All works cited in the body of the text must appear in the references section in alphabetical order. The American Psychological Association System APA 7th edition should be followed (http: // normasapa. Net / norma-apa-2019 /).
Quotes in the Text
Short literal quotes (less than 40 words). Literal citations must be in quotation marks and must state: First last name of the author (s) and the year, in addition to indicating the page, the chapter, or the figure ... from where they were extracted.
According to (Borroto, 2015) "the main ethical dilemma is that the human being in his actions is aware of the need to be ethically fair even in a deeply unjust world" (p.14).
Long literal quotes (more than 40 words). Literal citations are placed in an independent paragraph, indented throughout the paragraph, without quotes, in addition to indicating the page, the chapter, or the figure ... from where they were extracted. It is also frequent to present it with the letter a smaller point than the text of the document.
According to Torrens and Molina (2018) it is considered that:
Women have a different perspective, their empowerment makes it resurface in all spheres and in politics, which allows visibility in the media public sphere. However, today Latin America has again been without the representation of women as heads of state (p. 106).
Non-textual or indirect quotes (paraphrase).
If in the work you want to incorporate an idea from another author, without literally keeping his words, it can be done by expressing the idea or concept in other words and you must recognize whose original idea it is.
The reality is controversial and demands greater attention that indicates greater acceptance, being necessary to eradicate prejudices and gender exclusion. (Souza-Leal & Antunes, 2018).

Number of references in the articles. Articles must contain at least 15 updated academic references. In the case of review articles, they must have at least 30 references. All references with Url must appear between blades (<>). They must be ordered alphabetically and have French sangria.
The works to be postulated by the authors must be original, have not been published in any medium, nor be in the process of publication, being the authors' full responsibility for compliance with and compliance with this standard. The applications in the magazine can be:

ORIGINAL ARTICLES: Presents the results of an investigation based on a question, which is attempted to answer through a structured and reproducible method. They refer to results of original research and that have not been published partially or totally, related to the study objectives. Its extension will be up to 4,000 words.
REVIEW ITEMS: Presents the results of a selection, organization, integration, systematization and critical evaluation of scientific research carried out in an area, with the purpose of knowing and informing about the current state of the investigation of a given problem, its progress , contradictions and trends. Its extension will be up to 4,500 words.
POSITION OR REFLECTION ARTICLES: It is a form of written composition, whose purpose is to try to answer a question or solve a specific problem by means of logically expressed and duly supported arguments or statements, which attempts to demonstrate the validity of the statement. It is used as a form of incentive of critical and independent judgment of the authors. Its extension will be up to 4,000 words.
BOOK REVIEWS: Refers to reviews, book reviews, translations and updating of articles and topics of scientific interest in general that have to do with methodological aspects, experimental results or scientific dissemination. Its extension will be 1,000 words.
In the case of book reviews, cover photo, ISBN, year, author, publisher and place must be attached. Reviews of books published in the last 5 years will be received.
THEORETICAL ARTICLES: Presents the results of a process of analysis of the structure of a theory or of some of its concepts, in order to enrich, refine and expand the constructions and theoretical bases of a problem under study. Its extension up to 3,000 words.
CASE STUDY: The results of a study on a particular situation are presented and described, making known the technical and methodological experiences and the material obtained when working with an individual, organization or specific situation, to describe a problem or indicate how to solve it. It includes a systematic review of the literature on similar cases. It is important that it contains a detailed description of the case and a discussion about it. Its extension up to 3,000 words.
SYSTEMATIZATION OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES: The articles of systematization of professional practices, allows to build and explain the knowledge that has been or is being produced in a given experience by different subjects, through the analysis and assessment of the actions developed. Its extension up to 4,000 words.
The decisions of the members of the Scientific Committee will be respected by the Editorial Board and by the author or authors, as long as they do not intend to change the content expressed by the author or authors. In the latter case, the author or authors must communicate their position before the Editorial Board with a reasoned and validly supported report. The final decision on the publication will be based on the majority opinion of the Editorial Board.


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Institución Editora: Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
Avenida Metropolitana No. 2005 y Ave. Olímpica. Portoviejo
Teléfonos: (593 5)2935002. Ext. 1049 / (593 5)2932837
Código postal: 130105
Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador