ISSN 1390-7247 print version
ISSN 2528-7907 online version




"Revista San Gregorio" is a scientific publication of the University of San Gregorio de Portoviejo, (USGP) founded in 2011, is published in double version: printed with ISSN: 1390-7247, and electronic with ISSN 2528-7907, in Spanish and English ( Currently on a quarterly basis, with publication in the months March, June, September and December. It is a peer-reviewed journal and uses the APA (American Psychological Association) standards as publication standards. It is indexed in Clarivate Analytics (Emerging Sources Citation Index), LATINDEX, DOAJ, Dialnet, ERIHPLUS, MIAR, REDIB, C.I.R.C, Flacso Andes


Reach, goals and objectives.

"Revista San Gregorio" is a scientific journal, aimed at professors, researchers and national and international students. That invites them to apply for their publications to contribute to the objective of socializing scientific knowledge, whose main axes are the link with the related scientific community and the critical reflexive debate. It is an open access magazine, quarterly, evaluated by external peers and the editorial process is completely free. It is the policy of the Editorial Committee to privilege articles that emerge from research projects linked to academic areas.


Subject areas

The thematic content of his texts is linked to the academic areas of the San Gregorio University of Portoviejo: Health: Dentistry, Nursing, Medicine and Occupational Health Techniques: Architecture, Graphic Design and Computing Social Sciences: Communication, Law and Education Business: Business Administration, Audit and Accounting, Marketing, Finance and Tourism.


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Creative Commons License All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License

Institución Editora: Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
Avenida Metropolitana No. 2005 y Ave. Olímpica. Portoviejo
Teléfonos: (593 5)2935002. Ext. 1049 / (593 5)2932837
Código postal: 130105
Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador