ISSN 1390-8081 printed version
ISSN 2477-9245 on-line version



Format for presentation of articles

All the academic work presented in the journal must meet the following format:

  • Paper: A 4 (21x 29,7 mm).
  • Margins: 2,4 cm (top); 2,4 cm (bottom); 2,4 cm (left) y 2,4 cm (right).
  • Font size and type: Times New Roman, 12-point font.
  • Line spacing: 1,5 justify.
  • Indentation: 1,25 cm, without spacing between paragraphs.
  • Page numberings: pages numbered at the bottom centered.
  • Tables, maps, and graphs: in addition to include in the article all the tables, graphs, and visual components, it must be sent in their original version in Excel, PNG, or Ilustrator.


Editorial opening, guidelines and policies acceptance

If you are interested in publishing with us, you must agree with the guidelines for receiving articles and with editorial policies. Articles must be sent within the due dates established during the call for papers for Central Theme and Current Events sections. The journal does not exclude any article or author from the editorial process, thus guaranteeing openness to all authors outside the publishing entity.


Submission of articles

If you are interested in publishing with us, please submit your article through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) Plataform or by email to within the due dates established during the call for papers.


About the works originality

Once received, the journal editor will analyze the originality of the article through URKUND anti-plagiarism system, which considers 10% as the maximum value of similarities with other sources, it excludes non-significant common terms. The article is received if the percentage of similarities is 10% or less.

As long as the similarities are between 11% and 20%, based on the report generated by the anti-plagiarism system, the author will be notified to make the changes, modifications, correctly reference the bibliographic sources. If the percentage of similarities is equal to or greater than 21% the author will be notified that his/her article will not continue in the editorial process, therefore, is not publishable.

The journal may publish translations, papers and results of scientific events as long as the articles comply with the formats, editorial policies and publication standards. The respective credits and the original source will be indicated in a footnote. The journal does not publish articles that partially or totally contain contents that are the result of undergraduate, master's or doctoral theses. In these cases, the articles must be edited as different products, comply with IAEN editorial policies, cite in footnote the sources of the original work and not conflict with the patrimonial rights of the university where the academic degree was obtained.

About affirmations and authorization

The article submitted must not have legal or contractual limitation nor it is before another journal or book for consideration. The author is responsible for the content, statements or omissions, and releases State and Commons from all responsibility.

In the event the reviewers recommend the article for publication, each author must fill out and sign a letter of authorization for publication in the journal. The author declares, among other points, the authorship of his/her article and its originality. Likewise, it is unpublished and has not been submitted before to another journal or book for consideration. In the event the reviewers recommend the article for publication the author agrees to generate the ORCID code. In case of financing, add the credit on the first page and footnote.


Submission of articles guidelines

Articles that comply with IAEN's rules of the call for papers and editorial policies will be declared as “received” and notified to the author; those that do not will be returned to their authors.

  • Languages: the journal receives original articles in Spanish. If an article in a different language from Spanish is accepted for publication, the translation into Spanish is responsibility of the author.
  • Academic articles must include an abstract. It shall have a maximum length of 200 words and 8 keywords, that globally describe the topics covered in the article.
  • The article`s title will have a maximum length of 15 words. It may be modified by the editors, prior agreement with the author.
  • Identification and affiliation: the articles must be identified with the full names and surnames of the author, institutional affiliation (includes the position, full name of the institution, country, email and ORCID).


Maximum length of words of an article and other sections of the journal

  • Central Theme: 14 pages, 6000-8000 length of word.
  • Current Events: 12 pages, 5000-7000 length of word.
  • Reviews: 2 pages, 1000-1500 length of word.
  • Interview: 4 pages, 2000-2500 length of word.


Bibliographic references and APA standards

The bibliography consists of a set of bibliographic references presented at the end of an academic paper, which are arranged alphabetically by author.

The bibliographic reference is the description of a document according to its main components such as the author’s last name, year of publication, title, publisher, etc. These components must be ordered following specific rules according to the citation style. State and Commons Journal will use the American Psychological Association (APA), so if additional information is required, the author may refer to the APA Publication Manual (sixth edition in English, third Spanish edition).


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