ISSN 1390-8081 printed version
ISSN 2477-9245 on-line version




State and Commons reaches at scientific community, researchers, professors, students and anyone yearning to make analytical and academic contributions regarding public policy, government and State.



State and Commons seeks the recognition of the scientific community, make it visible and position itself as a publication of relevance and pertinent for the country along with the region. This process will be reflected in the ascription to indexes, electronic catalogs and indexing databases as a mechanism to corroborate the quality of its content.


Topic coverage

  • Public Administration, public service, transparency, innovations y territory.
  • Threats, conflict resolution and protection of rights.
  • Human rights, gender, interculturally, and citizen participation.
  • Relationship between power, law, and institutionalism of the constitucional state.
  • Foreign policy, strategic studies and global processes.
  • Economic and fiscal policy, economic sectors and institutions, models of development.
  • Foresight, strategic management, and decision making.


Journal sections

Each issue of this journal is directed by one or two coordinators on a continuous and rotating basis. Each call for papers has a central issue and conjuncture section that corresponds to IAEN´s line of work. This journal receives and considers articles that meet the terms of the calls – which are open and public- as well as the editorial policy and publication regulations. The journal has within four sections which are: Central Theme, Current Events, Interview and Reviews.

The submission of articles for the Central Issue and Conjuncture sections must be carried out within the deadlines established in the call for papers. Contributions for the remaining sections can be sent throughout the year.


Original works

The journal contains and divulges original and unpublished articles outcome of scientific and academic research. It also publishes other relevant contributions related to the academic field of this journal. The article submitted has not been previously published, nor it is before another journal or book for consideration.


Peer review

All articles that pass the pre-evaluation process will be submitted to this external double-blind peer review. The peer review will consider articles submitted to the Central Theme and Current Events sections and considers the following principles:

  • Impartiality: an objective evaluation will be carried out. The reading will be constructive, identify weak points and propose mechanisms to enhance them; propose improvements in the methodology; expand the definition and conceptual scope; will suggest complementary bibliography. If the referee presumes the authorship of the article, he or she must decline the invitation to evaluate.
  • Academic: the evaluation will be fair, equal, fast, and confidential. The evaluator based on her/his experience, may show the ability to discover innovative contributions, ideas, and concepts.
  • Responsibility: the evaluator will agree with the editor, and meet the deadlines established for carrying out the evaluation process. Prior the evaluation, the reviewer will confirm, whether or not she or he agrees with the established deadlines. Likewise, the evaluator must declare if she or he is prevented from evaluating the article for any professional or personal reason.
  • Anonymity: During the peer review process the evaluator agrees not to disclose by any means, printed or digital, the contents of the article.



State and Commons funding is provided by IAENs budget allocation, prior approval of the Editorial Plan.


Publication versions

This journal is edited in two versions: printed version is published prior budget allocation and the electronic one through the Open Journal System (OJS). Both versions have registered an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).


Publication frequency

State and Commons is continuously published every six months in January 15th and July 15th.



The printed version is published prior budget allocation and the electronic one through the Open Journal System (OJS). Both versions have registered an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).


Open Access Policy

State and Commons is committed to Open Access policies (OA). OA the content of scientific publications are available in full text, and free of charge on internet, without embargoes period and without restrictions on their contents. This policy is based on the principle that offering free access to academic content strengthens the global exchange of knowledge.



State and Commons does not retain the rights of reproduction and copying of the articles, so the authors may read, access, download, copy, print, quote, search and link the final versions of the articles to institutional repositories, personal blogs, social networks or any other electronic media. They are only asked to mention the original source of publication, in this case, State and Commons.


Creative Commons License

Since 2015 State and Commons uses the Creative Commons License BY-NC-SA (Attribution, Non-Comercial, Share Alike 4.0 International). This license allows to copy and redistribute the material in any media or format, it also allows to remix, transform and construct from the material.


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