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Publication ofSociedad Médica Ecuatoriana de Neurología
On-line version ISSN 2631-2581Print version ISSN 1019-8113


The Ecuadorian Journal of Neurology (REN) as the official scientific divulgation body of the Ecuadorian Medical Society of Neurology is committed to the country, and especially to the medical community, to disseminate accurate, informed and up-to-date scientific information. The REN is up-to-date in the knowledge within the field, publishing original works, articles of revision and reports of clinical cases of national and foreign research. It wants to encourage and stimulate Ecuadorian scientific research, so that it can be recognized at international level. REN’s presence and permanence in the most important databases of scientific literature citations reviewed by peers, contributes to the global dissemination of published works. REN invites others medical specialties in Ecuador to participate in this mission, which, above all, aims to encourage academic progress.


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