Student satisfaction in a Biochemistry course: an assessment after implementing neurodidactic strategies Semprún de Villasmil1, Blanca Irene; Ferrer Villasmil2, Kenna Josefina; Campos García3, Gusdanis Alberto; Urdaneta Bracho4, Johan Smil; Ortiz Dueñas5, Xavier Fernando
Importance and satisfaction of university services in postgraduate from the student perspective Mapén Franco, Fabiola de Jesús; Becerra Hernández, Antonio; Martínez Prats, Germán
Perceived quality in three-star Hotels using the Hotelqual Model in the city of Huánuco - 2018 Soto Espejo, Simeón; Villena Andrade, Tomas Dalí
Relationship with society process conception in the USGP from a scientific perspective Loor, Tania Miladi Zambrano; Batista Mainegra, mado; Vélez Villavicencio3, Carlina Edith; González Aportela, Odette
National-cultural ideology as a factor social and economic development of the Russian Federation Kuznetsov, Mikhail A
Learning strategies for scientific understanding of social sciences in higher education students Lugo Villegas, Ido; Rodríguez Arteaga, Maruja Agripina; Sotil Cortavarría, Wilfredo Antonio; Pérez Naupay, Adalberto
Verrucous leukoplakia with human papillomavirus subtype 33 settlement. Report of a clinical case Mendoza Robles, Jorge Luis; Martin Moya2, Luz Amarilis; Barreiro Mendoza, Nataly; Alcívar Cedeño, Verónica; Santos Zambrano5, Thainah Bruna
>Exploring Several Social Traditions In Persian literature (Until The 8th Hegira Century) Ranjbar Makki, Reza; Mehrban2, Javad; Ashrafzadeh3, Reza
Validation of an Instrument to evaluate Attitudes towards Gender Equality in University Students Castillo Quintero, Humberto Pastor; Henríquez Coronel, María Angélica; Tubay Zambrano, Fanny
The creation of a fanpage in the development of local enterprises Dueñas Espinoza, Francisco Xavier; Zambrano García, Jorge Tomás; Cano Pita, Galo Enrique; Párraga Patiño4, Evelyn Jackeline
El estructuralismo lírico en la poesía contemporánea con énfasis en el poema "The Song of Knitting Wool" Ruhbakhsh Mobasseri, Ali; Ashrafzadeh, Reza; Fakhr Eslam, Batool
Cultural Heritage Management of the Archaeological Zone of Huaycán and its impact on Tourism Development Donayre Pérez, Iris Mariela
Standards for the regulation of degree work at the University of Cuenca-Ecuador (2010-2014) Arteaga Auquilla1, María Teresa; Navarro Rocha2, Kelly del Cisne
Characterization of workplace harassment and the repercussions on educational institutions Olivera Carhuaz1, Edith Soledad
Occupational healt and safety related to vaccination in sex workers Cevallos Garay, Washington Alberto