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versión impresa ISSN 1390-6712


EGAS, C  y  GIL-CASTINEIRA, F. Survey of Requirements, Protocols, and Challenges in LWSN. Maskay [online]. 2021, vol.11, n.1, pp.13-21. ISSN 1390-6712.


Wireless sensor networks apply to different topologies. A special case is a linear topology included in the monitoring of large-scale linear infrastructures. Linear topology requirements differ from other topologies. The architectures and protocols for wireless sensor networks are references that are modified depending on the particular application, these architectures and protocols are very complex if applied to linear topologies with thousands of nodes. This paper discusses the existing standards and protocols applicable to linear wireless sensor networks, defines its particular characteristics, and how existing protocols can satisfy the requirements of networks with linear topology. The information related to linear Wireless sensor networks, medium access control, routing, transport, and the specific requirements of this type of network is presented. Finally, the challenges for the existing protocols and some challenges to the new protocols design to linear topology are identified.

Palabras clave : WSN; Linear topology; routing; link; transport.

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