ISSN 1390-7638 print version
ISSN 1390-7697 online version



Focus and scope

The Scientific and Technological Journal UPSE (RCTU) of UPSE University, is published by the Institute for Scientific Research and Technology Development (INCYT) since 2012. It publishes original and unpublished writings related to Engineering Sciences and Agrarian and Biological Sciences

RCTU is an entirely free open–access publication without an APC (Article Processing Charge), edited in electronic format (e–ISSN: 1390–7697) and print (ISSN: 1390–7638), in Spanish, with a biannual frequency (June and December). The journal ensures the accessibility of its articles through the unique and permanent identifier for electronic publications, DOI (Digital Object Identifier); it accepts research and review manuscripts, which are reviewed through a double–blind peer review process or DBPR (double–blind–peer–review).


Open access policy

The journal adheres to the principles and definitions of open access, stemming from the Budapest Open Access Initiative in 2002 up to the San Francisco Declaration in 2012.

For authors, from the submission of the article to its publication, the editorial production costs are not passed on, meaning no APC (Article Processing Charge) is required. Authors maintain the copyrights of their articles without any restrictions. For more detailed information, please review the Copyright and Self–Archiving Policy

For readers, all content of the journal is freely accessible. There are no embargo periods, no restrictions, and no requirements for registration, subscription, or payment. The material is made available freely on the internet in a digital format for educational, academic, and scientific purposes.

The journal collaborates with the Open Citations Initiative (I4OC), which encourages publishers to openly provide references from journals and/or books in CROSSREF repositories.


Author’s Rights and Self–Archiving Policy

Author’s Rights and Usage Policy: Once a work (scientific article) is approved and accepted for publication, authors retain the copyright without restrictions. They only grant the reproduction and distribution rights of the first publication (post print) to UPSE Editorial for its use, both in print format and on any other magnetic, optical, and digital media.

The copyright holder of the work grants usage rights to readers through the Creative Commons Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 4.0 International License. This allows immediate free access to the work and enables any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, track them for indexing, input them as data into software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.

This Creative Commons Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 4.0 International License allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon the original work for non–commercial purposes if they provide appropriate attribution and license their new creations under identical terms

Self–Archiving Policy: Authors are permitted to enter separate, non–exclusive licensing agreements for the reproduction and distribution of the journal's published version of their work (post print), whether in institutional repositories, thematic repositories, or on personal websites. However, it's necessary to acknowledge the initial publication in this journal and declare the associated Creative Commons license.


Anti-plagiarism policy

The Scientific and Technological Journal UPSE adheres to the policies of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in order to maintain transparency and good practices throughout the editorial process, prevent inappropriate conduct in article publication, and promote high–quality academic and scientific output

The editorial team checks the content of the articles, considering as original and unpublished those with a similarity up to 5%. If this threshold is exceeded, the article will be deemed unacceptable for publication and will be removed from the OJS database of the journal. Therefore, authors agree that their manuscript will undergo a similarity review using the COMPILATIO software.


Citation and Reference Standards

The UPSE Scientific and Technological Journal (RCTU) adheres to the UNE–ISO 690:2013 standards (Spanish version of ISO 690:2010) (1) for article writing, employing the Numeric System method for citation and references. This standard offers guidelines for composing bibliographic references and citations in Latin script pertaining to information resources.

  1. ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE NORMALIZACION Y CERTIFICACIÓN. Información y documentación. Directrices para la redacción de referencias bibliográficas y de citas de recursos de información. UNE–ISO 690:2013. Madrid: AENOR, 2013. Disponible en:

  2. SERVIZO DE BIBLIOTECA UNIVERSITARIA. Citas y referencias bibliográficas: Norma UNE–ISO 690:2013. Universidade da Coruña [en línea]. La Coruña, España, 15 Oct 2021 [fecha de consulta: 24 de febrero 2022]. Disponible en:

  3. Elaboración de referencias bibliográficas con ISO 690 [en línea]. ESPACEA UC. Canal YouTube, 20 agosto 2020 [fecha de consulta: 24 de febrero 2022]. Disponible en:


Code of Ethics

The editorial board of the UPSE Scientific and Technological Journal, is committed to high ethical standards and practices in the dissemination of knowledge, in order to ensure scientific quality. For this purpose, the Code of Ethics for authors, reviewers and editors of scientific journals, whose purpose is to guide the continuous improvement of the journal and meet the needs of readers and authors, is taken as a reference.

Commitments of the authors
  • Originality and data accuracy: Authors of original submissions to the Scientific and Technological Journal UPSE attest that the work is original and unpublished, not containing parts from other authors or fragments of works already published by them. They also confirm the accuracy of the data, meaning that empirical data have not been altered to validate hypotheses.

  • Multiple and/or repetitive publications:Authors should not publish articles that replicate the same results in more than one scientific journal or any other publication, academic or not. Simultaneously submitting the same contribution to multiple scientific journals is considered unethical and reprehensible.

  • Attributions, citations and references: Authors must always provide the correct indication of sources and contributions mentioned in the article.

  • Authorship: Authors ensure the inclusion of those who have made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution to the work's conceptualization, planning, interpretation of results, and drafting. At the same time, the order of the authors has been ranked according to their level of responsibility and involvement.

  • Access and retention: If the Editorial Board deems it appropriate, article authors should also make available the sources or data on which the research is based, which can be kept for a reasonable period after publication and possibly made accessible.

  • Conflict of interest and disclosure: All authors are obliged to explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the obtained results or proposed interpretations. Authors should also indicate any funding from agencies and/or projects from which the research article arises.

  • Errors in published articles When an author identifies a significant error or inaccuracy in their article, they should immediately notify the journal's editors and provide all the information necessary to list the relevant corrections at the bottom of the same article (always as a footnote, to not alter the publication).

  • Responsibility: The content responsibility of the articles published in the “Scientific and Technological Journal UPSE” is exclusive to the authors. They also commit to reviewing the most current and relevant scientific literature on the analyzed topic, bearing in mind the diverse knowledge currents

Commitments of the reviewers
  • Contribution to editorial decision Peer review is a procedure that assists editors in making decisions about proposed articles and allows authors to improve the quality of submitted articles. Reviewers commit to conducting a critical, honest, constructive, and unbiased review of both the scientific and literary quality of the manuscript within their knowledge and skills

  • Review timeline respect If a reviewer cannot finish the evaluation in the scheduled time, they should immediately notify the editors. They commit to evaluating works in the shortest possible time to respect deadlines since the waiting times for manuscripts at the “Scientific and Technological Journal UPSE“ are strict and inflexible out of respect for the authors and their works.

  • Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality: Each assigned manuscript should be considered confidential. Therefore, these texts should not be discussed with others without the explicit consent of the editors

  • Objectivity: Peer reviews should be carried out objectively. Reviewers are required to provide sufficient reasons for each of their evaluations, always using the review template. Reviewers will submit a complete critical report with proper references following the review protocol of the Scientific and Technological Journal UPSE and public regulations for reviewers, especially if it's proposed that the work be rejected. They are obligated to alert editors if substantial parts of the work have been published or are under review for another publication.

  • Manuscript assessment: Reviewers commit to accurately indicating bibliographic references of essential works possibly overlooked by the author. The reviewer should also inform the editors of any similarity or overlap of the manuscript with other published works.

  • Anonymity: To ensure that the review process is as objective, impartial, and transparent as possible, authors' identities are concealed before works are sent for peer review. If, for any reason, the anonymity of the document has been compromised, the reviewer should immediately notify the editors.

Commitments of the editors
  • Publication decision:Editors guarantee the selection of the most qualified reviewers to provide a critical and expert appreciation of the work, with as few biases as possible. The Scientific and Technological Journal UPSE opts to select between 2 and 3 reviewers for each piece to ensure greater objectivity in the review process

  • Honesty: Editors assess articles sent for publication based on the scientific merit of the contents, without discrimination of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, or the authors' political opinions.

  • Confidentiality: Editors and staff members commit not to disclose information related to articles sent for publication to others, except authors, reviewers, and other editors. Editors and the Editorial Committee pledge to maintain the confidentiality of manuscripts, their authors, and reviewers, ensuring anonymity to preserve the intellectual integrity of the entire process.

  • Conflict of interest and disclosure:Editors commit not to use contents of articles submitted for publication in their research without written consent from the author.

  • Respect for timelines: Editors are primarily responsible for adhering to time limits for reviews and publishing accepted works, ensuring quick dissemination of results. They commit to meeting the published timelines (maximum of 60 days for the acceptance/rejection from the manuscript's receipt on the Review Platform) and a maximum of 150 days from the start of the expert scientific review process).

The Scientific and Technological Journal UPSE adheres to the code of conduct standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):–conduct



  • SciELO Ecuador (Scientific Electronic Library Online)

  • Latindex Catálogo 2.0: (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal)

  • DOAJ: (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Journal Evaluation Platforms
  • MIAR: (Information Matrix for Journal Analysis)

  • PKP | INDEX: (Index Public Knowledge Project)

  • CrossRef (DOI Database)

  • ROAD (Directory of open Access Scholarly Resources)

Networks of Journals and Editors
  • RERCIE (Network of Editors and Scientific Journals of Ecuado)


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Creative Commons License All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License

Eleodoro Solórzano Avenue, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena (UPSE), Main Campus
Postal Code: 240204
La Libertad - Santa Elena - Ecuador
Tel.: +593 994416753