ISSN 1390-5473 print version
ISSN 2588-0969 online version



  1. All articles must be original and not previously published; they may not be under evaluation for possible publication elsewhere; they must not have been approved for publication in another journal. PODIUM adheres to good publication practices in order to promote integrity concerning publications and research; these practices have been stipulated by the committee on publication ethics (COPE) in

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  3. PODIUM’s Editorial Council reserves the right to decide the publication of manuscripts as well as the issue and the section an article will be published in. Articles will be subject to a double blind process for evaluation and final selection. Double blind evaluators will be external to PODIUM. Details of this procedure may be found under the main menu in section entitle “On the journal” which is included in the “Concerning”.

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  5. Authors must have a post-graduate level, either Master or Ph. D. and be teachers, research teachers and be expert on the subject that they write about. They must make sure that they fit the profile as authors in the OJS platform.

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  7. Espíritu Santo University and PODIUM’s Editorial Council accept no responsibility for the opinions expressed in published articles. Such opinions are the authors’ exclusive responsibility.

  8. In order to assure full compliance of the double-blind evaluation system, no personal or institutional information that might give evaluators a hint of the author’s identity may be included in articles. The following information ought to be shown in a separated document: Author´s full name, name of the universities or organizations authors belong to, contact e-mail and ORCID code. If applicable, this documents must also show research financial sources.

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  11. The article´s title may not contain more than twelve words and may be modified by PODIUM editors; changes must be agreed with by the authors.

  12. Scientific or revision articles must be preceded by an abstract of not more than 150 words, written with clarity and precision.

    1. A scientific article’s abstract structure ought to include the following elements: Study purpose, methodology, relevant results and conclusions.

    2. Abstract´s structure for the revision article must include the following elements: Revision´s reach, time of considered publications, publications origin, type of the documents that are being revised, author’s opinion concerning relevant findings and principal conclusions.

  13. Authors must furnish six (6) to eight (8) key words related to the research topic.

  14. The article must have the Journal of Economic Literature´s classification (JEL Classification) according to the corresponding specific subject (and not over three). This classification may be consulted in:

  15. The article’s English version must include the title, the abstract, the keywords and the JEL Classification.

  16. The document must be worded using the third person, so that the writing is impersonal.

  17. An article’s length must be measured using Word’s word-counter. This measurement must include both the body of the article and the bibliographic references and footnotes (only clarification notes. But no reference notes). All this should add up to no more than 8,000 words.

  18. The length of the synthesis must also be measured using Word’s word-counter. The synthesis´s total length must not be over 1,500 words. An image of the hard cover of the book or the publication that is being analyzed should be attached.

  19. The first time an abbreviation is used, it must be clarified by writing the word in full. The abbreviation may be used thereafter with no clarification.

  20. About tables:

    1. Tables must be incorporated into the text in an orderly fashion.

    2. Each table must have a title and a sequential number.

    3. Tables must have reference sources if they are adapted from existing writings. If not, it must be stated that they were prepared by the author.

    4. Tables must be single spaced, with no vertical margins. The source´s size must be between 10 and 12 points. Sources must be in size 8.


    Table 1.
    Number of children registered in English levels.

    Source: Adapted from Roosa et al (2008).

  21. About images:

    1. Images must be incorporated in the text in an orderly fashion.

    2. Each image must have a title and a sequential number.

    3. Images must have reference sources if they are adapted from existing writings. If not, it must be stated that they were prepared by the author.

    4. Images must have sources no smaller than 8 and no larger than 14.

    5. Images format must be legible; in order to insure the final quality, the author will share a high-resolution digital file in the section of complementary files that were available at the time of postulating the article in the OJS platform.


    Figure 1. Financial network of interconnected ring

    Source: Acemoglu et al (2014)

  22. About textual quotes:

    1. Textual quotes that are less than 40 words long must be written as part of the text; they should be between double quotation marks and should not be written in italics. The page number the quotes was taken from should follow in parenthesis and must end with a period.

    2. Textual quotes that are over 40 words long, should not be written as part of the text, must be indented, with no quotation marks and no italics. A period must be placed at the end of the quote before the data that shows the quote’s origin: the author’s last name, the publication year and the page number. All these data must be in parenthesis.

  23. About paraphrasing quotes:

    1. Paraphrased quotes based on the text must show in parenthesis the author’s last name and the year of publication, at the end of the paraphrased sentence.

    2. Paraphrased quotes based on the author must show in parenthesis the author’s last name and the year of publication, at the beginning of the paraphrased sentence.

  24. About the rules concerning the number of authors of paraphrased quotes:

    1. Two authors: Their last names must be separated by an ampersand (&).

    2. Three to five authors: Their last names should all be cited the first time; thereafter only the first author must be cited, followed by the words et al and a period.

    3. Six or more authors: Only the last name of the first author is cited, followed by the words et al from the first time.

  25. The bibliographical reference list will appear at the end of the articles’ content. This list must be in alphabetical order, with a hanging indent (French) and will have all the references that have been used in the text. The bibliographical reference list must follow APA rules, sixth edition. An author´s bibliography will be listed following the year of publication in ascending order.

    Entry examples:


    Koontz, H. y Weihrich, H. (1998). Administración: una pers¬pectiva global (11ª ed.). México: McGraw-Hill Interamericana.

    Electronic version book

    CEPAL. (2013). Sistemas de innovación en Centroamérica: fortalecimiento a través de la integración regional. Recovered from

    Book charter with editor/s or compiler/s

    Haybron, D.M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. En M. Eid y R. J. Larsen (Eds.), The science of subjective well-being (pp.17-43). Nueva York, NY: Guilford Press.

    Scientific journal article

    Chamberlin, J., Novotney, A., Packard, E., y Price, M. (2008). Enhancing worker well-being: Occupational health psychologists convene to share their research on work, stress, and health. Monitor on Psychology, 39(5), 26-29.

    What this shows is: Volume 39, number 5, pages 26 to 29.

    Un-specialized journal article.

    Lefort, R. (2000, junio). Internet, ¿Salvador de la democracia? El Correo de la Unesco, 53, 44-46.

    What this shows is: Volume 53, pages 44 to 46.

    The date that appears in the publication must be shown. For monthly publications, show the month and for weeklies publications, show the month and date. Give the volume number.

    Online article

    Amaya, N., y Grueso, M. (2017). Factores distintivos de las organizaciones intensivas en conocimiento. PODIUM, 32(2), 75-87. Recovered from

    Article with DOI

    Levie, J., y Autio, E. (2011). Regulatory Burden, Rule of Law, and Entry of Strategic Entrepreneurs: An International Panel Study. Journal of Management Studies, 48(6), 1392–1419. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2010.01006.x

    Symposia and lectures

    Herculano-Houzel, S., Collins, C. E., Wong, P., Kaas, J. H., y Lent, R. (2008). The basic nonuniformity of the cerebral cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 105, 12593-12598. DOI:10.1073/PNAS.0805417105

    Larrahondo, J. (2013). Definición y alcances de la alcoquímica: La calidad de las materias primas y su impacto en el proceso alcoquímico. En III Congreso de la Caña en el Ecuador. Conferencia llevada a cabo en el congreso de la Asociación Ecuatoriana de Tecnólogos Azucareros (AETA), Guayaquil, Ecuador.


    Calderón, A. (10 de Noviembre de 2011). La Dolarización Ecuatoriana. El Telégrafo. Recovered from

    Printed journal article

    Arteaga, M.E. (Marzo de 2017). El Valor de la Dirección de Proyectos. Revista América Economía (135), p.79.

    On-line journal article

    Acosta-Burneo, A. (22 de febrero de 2018). Mi propuesta. Revista VISTAZO. Recovered from

    Un-published manuscript

    Spindler, G. (1993). Education and reproduction among Turkish families in Sydney. Un-published manuscript.

    Governmental reports

    National Planning and Development Secretariat. (2017). National Development Plan 2017-2021. Recovered from

    Audio-visual media

    American Psycological Association. (Productor). (2000). Responding therapeutically to patient expressions of sexual attraction [DVD]. De


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