ISSN 1390-6631 online version



Guidelines for Authors

People interested in publishing in Letras Verdes must submit their original works by registering in the portal

Articles must be original, unpublished works and not be approved or have been sent simultaneously to another magazine for its publication. Articles are received in Spanish and Portuguese English. The Editorial board reserves the right to decide on the publication of the works, as well as the number and the section in which they will appear.

General presentation of articles

The extension of the articles varies according to the section of the magazine to which it is sent, according to the following table:


Maximum of 8000 words, minimum of 5000 words


Maximum of 3000 words, minimum of 2500 words


Maximum of 8000 words, minimum of 5000 words

Articles must be presented in Times New Roman Font size 12, 1.5 points of space, with margins of 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 cm, in A4 page size format. This extension includes the summary, the body of the article, footnotes and bibliographical references.

The notes will be at the foot of the page, in Times New Roman font size 10 and with simple space format. In the case of acronyms, full meaning must be written the first time they appear. For example, “in the Latin-American Faculty of social sciences, FLACSO”.

Tables, graphs and maps must be fitted in place of the part on which you want to appear. Must have a title, sources and a sequential number, and always must be mentioned in the text. Please limit the amount of tables, charts and maps to 4-5 per article.

Avoid, as much as possible, the use of bullets in the text.

Use quotation marks to emphasize words or phrases. Use Italics for words or phrases in another language.

Letras Verdes reserves the right to make the correctness of style and editorial changes that it deems necessary to improve the work, always notifying the authors.

The articles that fit to these norms will be declared like "received" and notified of its reception to / the author / to; in the opposite case they will be returned. Once received officially, the articles are put to consideration of the publishing advice and of independent assessors. The evaluation mechanism explains in the section review Processes to itself for pairs.

Instructions for the adoption of keywords or descriptors

The keywords must be five to seven, separated by semicolons (;) and alphabetically. We recommend that the authors support themselves in the Unesco thesaurus.


Quote basic structure in text body.

In author-year system, reference in text normally appears between parentheses and contains only the first two elements that are recorded in references list: author and publication year, without punctuation between them. In addition, you can add number page or other localization element, after a comma. In no case use op. cit., ibid., ibídem.

(Leff 1994)
(Leff 1994, 91)

Entries from list of references with same author or authors and same year.

Papers from same responsible (regardless who is author, editor, compilator or translator) and same year should be differentiated with the addition of a, b, c, etc., those that are ordered alphabetically by title. Quotes in text consign to author and year with the letter.

 Leff, Enrique. 1994a. Ecología y capital: racionalidad ambiental, democracia participativa y desarrollo sustentable. México: Siglo XXI.
 Leff, Enrique. 1994b. Ecología y capitalismo. México: Editorial Siglo XXI.
 (Leff 1994a, 113)    
 (Leff 1994b, 100)

Chronologic order to repeated names in a references list.

When the author(s), translator(s), editor(s), or compiler(s) are repeated in several entries in a row, the name (names) is replaced by a line after the first occurrence. The punctuation mark that usually follows the skipped element (here, the point) is not written after the line. Entries are arranged chronologically by year of publication in ascending order, not literate by title. No dated articles (marked as n. d. or s. f.) or in press go after the articles dated.

Shiva, Vandana. 2016. The violence of the green revolution: Third world agriculture, ecology, and politics. Estados Unidos: University Press of Kentucky.
 ___ 2000. Stolen harvest: The hijacking of the global food supply. Estados Unidos: Zed Books.
 ___ 1988. Staying alive: Women, ecology and development. Estados Unidos: Zed Books.

Book with unique author or editor.

Martínez Alier, Joan. 1994. De la economía ecológica al ecologismo popular. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial.
(Martínez Alier 1994, 99-100)

Book with two or three authors.

In case of books with two authors, the first name is invested in references list:
Martínez Alier, Joan, y Jordi Roca Jusmet. 2015. Economía ecológica y política ambiental. México, D.F.: Fondo de Cultura económica.
(Martínez Alier y Roca Jusmet 2015, 25)

Book with three authors. 

 Hornborg, Alf, John Robert Mc Neill y Joan Martínez Alier. 2007. Rethinking environmental history: world-system history and global environmental change. Reino Unido: Rowman Altamira.
 (Hornborg, Mc Neill y Martínez Alier 2007)

Book with four authors or more.
If the book has four or more authors, all of them are included in the references entry (bibliography). The order and punctuation are the same as in the case of books with two or three authors. In the text, however, it gives the surname of the author who appears first, followed by et al.
 (Lago et al. 2008, 118-19)

Book published electronically.

If the book is available in more than one format, quote worked version. In books consulted online, you must add URL.
Acosta, Alberto y Esperanza Martínez. 2014. Desarrollo, postcrecimiento y Buen Vivir. Debates e interrogantes. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala.,%20postcrecimiento.pdf

Chapter of a book.

Machado Aráoz, Horacio. 2009. “Minería transnacional, conflictos socioterritoriales y nuevas dinámicas expropiatorias: El caso de Minera Alumbrera”. En Minería trasnacional, narrativas del desarrollo y resistencias sociales, editado por Maristella Svampa y Mirta Antonelli, 205-227. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblio.

Scientific magazine articles. 

Elements that must be included in the entry are: author or authors complete name, publication date, article title and subtitle, periodic publication name, information about the tome, number, date; indication about page when necessary, include URL or DOI when available.


Ferraro, Rosana, Laura Zulaica y Héctor Echechuri. 2013. “Perspectivas de abordaje y caracterización del periurbano de Mar del Plata, Argentina”. Letras Verdes. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales 13: 19-40.

Articles in newspapers and magazines in references list.

 Sorgato, Valeria. 2017.  “Muestras de agua de los ríos del país ponen en alerta sobre la contaminación”. El Comercio, 19 de marzo.

Article without signature taken from newspapers or magazines in internet.

El Comercio. 2017. “Los Achuar cuentan con una canoa solar”.  9 de marzo de 2017.

Electronic documents in web page.

Delgado, Martha. 2014. “Diario en bici, la ciudad en Bicicleta”, acceso el 11 de abril de 2014,

Paper presented at a seminar, conference and other.

Ferraro, Rosana y Laura Zulaica. 2007. “Sectorización del sistema periurbano de Mar del Plata, siguiendo criterios ambientales”. Ponencia presentada en el Congreso Internacional sobre Desarrollo, Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales: sostenibilidad a múltiples niveles y escalas, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 11-13 de julio.

Thesis, dissertations.

Castillo, Ángela. 2013. “Agricultura Urbana en Quito: Agrupar una iniciativa local que aporta a la construcción de una ciudad sustentable”. Tesis de Maestría en Desarrollo Territorial Rural, FLACSO Sede Ecuador.

Legal norms.

The legal norms are quoted indicating the following elements: type of rule, number, and date beginning with the year, separated from the number by a slash, followed, with no intermediate space, by the day and the month between commas, the full name of the standard as set out in the Original publication; place and date of publication.

When quoting the most common for each area can be included, whether in the first mention, either in the body of the text or in the note, the abbreviation for which it will be mentioned in the following quotations.

Ley Orgánica 8/ 1980, de 22 de septiembre, de Financiación de las Comunidades Autónomas (BOE núm.236 de 1 de octubre de 1980), a partir de ahora LOFCA.

Unpublished interviews and personal communications.

Real or fictional name (either identifying element relevant to interview context, for instance: position/occupation/residence), day, month and year. Interview doesn’t have to be in bibliography. With its text entry is enough.

(Luisa González, Barrio La Ronda, Ecuador, 2 de octubre de 2017).


They are also called boxes. At the bottom of the table appears first the source (Source:) and then any other note. Any table should be mentioned in the text, in parentheses, in the paragraph where it was analyzed, for example (table 1).
Table 1. xxx





Source: Martínez Alier (1994).
 * About acronym, first time when it appears you should write its complete meaning and its acronym between parenthesis, then only acronym.


Policy against academic plagiarism

The journal uses the software Turnitin, as an anti-plagiarism system. The process of analysis is developed at a quantitative and qualitative level. The percentage of similarity for our journal will be as follows:

  • 1 to 7% Minor coincidences, plagiarism is omitted and work is reviewed.
  • 7 to 15% Qualitative verification is suggested, work is returned to write to changes.
  • 16% or more, it is consider plagiarism. 


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