1390-1249 print version
1390-8065 online version
Any person interested in publishing articles in this journal should have read and understood the requirements for article submission as described in the Editorial policies, must agree with the procedures for article selection as adopted by the journal, and his or her texts must abide by the following Íconos guidelines.
The Íconos Editorial Board reserves the final right to make decisions regarding the publication of articles, as well as the issue and section in which they will appear. The journal reserves the right to make minor stylistic corrections.
Article submission
Article submission must take place within the time frame established by the journal for open calls for submission for the Dossier section. Contributions to other sections can be submitted year round.
Submissions can be completed through the online platform, which requieres following the indicated steps and uploading metadata or solicited information.
Guidelines for article reception
Articles that comply with these norms will be marked as “received,” and authors will be notified by email of the reception status. Articles that do not comply will be returned to their author(s).
Languages: Iconos Journal is published in Spanish; however articles are received in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. If an article in English or Portuguese is accepted for publication, the translation into Spanish is the responsibility of the author.
Document format: Articles must be written in MS Word format, in Times New Roman size 12 font, with one-and-a-half line spacing, include page numbers, on A4 page format with 2.5cm (1 inch) margins. Footnotes must be in Times New Roman size 10, single-spaced.
Article length: Length varies according to journal section and will be measured using MS Word´s word count feature. Word count includes the article body as well as footnotes and bibliography. Maximum word count is described as follows:
Section | Maximum length |
Dossier Issues
6000 to 7500 words 6000 to 7500 words
Abstract and key words: articles for the Dossier and Issues sections should be preceded by an abstract of up to 220 words and should include 6 descriptors (key words) that reflect the article´s content. For descriptors, we recommend reviewing the established terms in bibliographic lists (THESAURUS) and aiming for correspondence between title, abstract, and descriptors.
Editing rules for reviews
Articles for the Reviews section should include the complete bibliographic information for the book mentioned: author, title, publisher, city, year of publication, page numbers.
Bibliographic references will be included in numbered footnotes.
Be sure to attach an image of the book cover in jpg or tiff format, with a minimum of 8 cm height and 300 dpi.
General editing rules
Acronyms: The first time an acronym appears, its full meaning should be written first, followed by the acronym. For example: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Quotations: Quotations that surpass four lines should be included in the format of long quotations, using single spacing, size 10 font, and a reduced margin on both sides.
Images, charts, graphs, tables:
a) Each figure should have a title and be numbered sequentially.
b) Images must be included directly in the text at a size of 18cm wide and 300 dpi, and they must be sent separately, as long as the text mentions the author´s suggested position: [Image 1 here].
c) If the article contains graphics, charts or tables; they must be included in the text and also sent in Excel format, indicating the appropriate position in the text: [Table 1 here].
d) Each figure should include complete reference sources. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain the corresponding permission for publication of figures, when necessary, and to ensure that the permissions reach the journal.
Bibliographic references
a) In-text bibliographic references should be included in parentheses, indicating the author’s last name (with only the first letter capitalized), publication year, and page number. Example: (Habermas 1990, 15). Never use op. cit., ibid., ibídem.
b) In the case of various works by the same author published in the same year, identify them using a, b, c, etc. Example:(Romero 1999a), (Romero 1999b).
Romero, Marco. 1999a. “Crisis profunda e inoperancia gubernamental.” Ecuador Debate 46: 56-78.
---------- (1999b). “Se profundiza la recesión y la incertidumbre en Ecuador”. Ecuador Debate 47:45-63.
c) An author´s bibliography should be listed in descending order according to the publishing year, that is, going from the most recent text to the oldest text. Example:
Pzeworski, Adam. 2003. States and Markets: a primer in political economy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
_____. 2000. Democracy and Development: political regimes and material well-being in the world, 1950-1990. New York: Cambridge University Press.
_____. 1993. Economic Reforms in New Democracies: a social-democratic approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.
d) The bibliography should be placed at the end of the article, and should contain all references used in the text. These should be listed in alphabetical order by author´s last name. The author´s first and last name should be written completely, rather than using only the first initial. The bibliography should be made in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). For examples of the most common forms of documentation, it is suggested to visit our website