1390-1249 print version
ÍCONOS is a multidisciplinary journal of social sciences, published every four months, and founded in 1997 by the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ecuador. The objective of this journal is to foster reflection that connects the academic concerns of social science with real social problems. Considering this focus, articles presented should preferably be the results or advances in research in any field within the social sciences. The journal also accepts essays on historic or contemporary issues that are solidly supported by academic literature, analysis of national and international trends based on academic estimates, and/or interviews of interest to the field of social sciences. The journal is aimed toward the scientific community as well as others interested in using an academic perspective to expand and deepen understanding in issues of social, political, cultural and economic debate in the Andean Region and in general, in Latin America. |
Dossier This section compiles a collection of peer reviewed articles about a central theme, which is covered in depth and from distinct focuses. The call for article submission for this section has a deadline; we suggest consulting the various calls. Length of articles: 6000 to 7500 words.
Themes This section includes peer reviewed articles on various research areas. It includes analysis on any theme-of-choice, articles on issues of theoretical debate, as well as analysis of national and international trends from different disciplinary perspectives within the social sciences. Articles for this section can be submitted year-round. Length of article: 6000 to 7500 words.
Articles submitted to the journal will undergo a multi-step review process:
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FLACSO Ecuador - La Pradera E7-174 and Diego de Almagro Avenue.
Phone.: (593 2) 2946800 - Fax: (593 2) 2946803
Quito, Ecuador.