ISSN 1390-7042 printed version
ISSN 2602-8484 on-line version


FIGEMPA: Investigación y Desarrollo journal is edited at the Central University of Ecuador in Quito (Ecuador) by the Faculty of Geology, Mining, Petroleum and Environmental Engineering (FIGEMPA).


Focus and Scope

FIGEMPA: Investigación y Desarrollo is intended for the dissemination of research results and technical studies carried out by professors, professionals and undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University and national and international experts in areas related to Engineering Sciences, Exact and Natural Sciences, Energy, Geology, Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Technology, Earth Sciences, Research, Safety and the Sustainable and Sustainable Use of Non-Renewable Natural Resources. It is an interdisciplinary space for discussion on theoretical aspects as well as application in the indicated areas.


Publication frequency and modality

From 1999 to 2004 and from 2010 to 2016, FIGEMPA: Investigación y Desarrollo journal published one volume per year, starting in 2016 it is published every six months. From 2022 it is published in January and July. It is published through digital versions (PDF, HTML, XML or EPUB).

Reception-review-acceptance times can take between one to six months depending on the editorial flow of each section and the review and editing process in advance. This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Peer evaluation

The submitted manuscripts, with the format indicated in the Guidelines for authors, will be subject to an evaluation process guaranteeing the confidentiality and anonymity of authors and reviewers (double-blind mode). The reception of manuscripts does not imply in any way a commitment to publication by the journal. The articles will be submitted to a first opinion of the editor, the section editors and/or the Editorial Committee, taking into account:

  • Thematic affinity, relevance of the topic and correspondence with the defined sections.
  • Research support.
  • Coherence in the development of the article, as well as correct writing and spelling.
  • Relationship between the figures and tables with the text of the article.
In this review, the level of originality will be verified through the use of specialized software (COMPILATIO) and existing digital resources for this purpose, coherence and clarity will also be observed in the sections of the document according to the Journal's Publication Guide, the quality of sources and proper citation; this information will be uploaded to the editorial management platform and will be available to the author.

In the event that the article requires preliminary adjustments, it will be returned to the author before being sent to the second stage of revision. After the pre-selection, a specialized reviewer is assigned, who will issue their report and the annotations that they consider appropriate in the text. One of the following concepts is issued from the review process and will be reported to the author:
  • Accept the item.
  • Publishable with modifications.
  • Reassessable.
  • Not publishable.
In the case of substantial and contradictory differences in the concepts regarding the reviewers' recommendations, the editor will send the article to one more reviewer or to a member of the Editorial Committee who will act as the third referee and must present a report so that the Editorial Board decides about publishing the article.


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Creative Commons License All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License

Jerónimo Leiton y Gatto Sobral. Central University of Ecuador. Faculty of Geology, Mining, Petroleum and Environmental Engineering
Postal code: 170521
Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Tel.:+593 22 555 300 ext. 109