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Publication ofEscuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
On-line version ISSN 2588-0934Print version ISSN 2528-7966


ÑAWI: arte.diseño.communicación is a semi-annual scientific research journal of the ESPOL Polytechnic University, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral -ESPOL, produced by Faculty of Art, Design and Audiovisual Communication – FADCOM (formerly, School of Design and Visual Communication – EDCOM). The journal addresses the study and reflection of Art, Design, and Communication linked to the Visual. It is also open to the reception of articles on the different branches of Social Sciences and Humanities (Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Aesthetics, Semiotics, History and Philosophy), whenever they deal with problems related to Visual Communication, Art and Design, with particular attention to the practices that take place in Ecuador and Latin America. This journal is aimed at teachers and researchers in the field of art, design, communication, and in general, to the Social Sciences and Humanities researchers. It is an open access magazine, frequency by external blind peers and the editorial process is free.


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