| Table of contents RCUISRAEL vol.7 n.2 Quito May./Aug. 2020 Press Release | | | |
Human talent tropical fruit manufacturing and the value chain of the soft drink food industry Manabí-Ecuador Monar Merchán, Carlos Arturo; Armas, Edgar Vicente; Tito-Huamaní, Pedro Leonardo
| | University and society outreach projects, a technical-legal analysis and their effect on learning processes Tamayo, Vicente Rodrigo; Taco Taco, Carlos Wilfrido; Hallo Montesdeoca, Danny Fabián; Fajardo Aguilar, Graciela Maribel
| | Soft Skills in Education and Business: Systematic Mapping Espinoza Mina, Marcos Antonio; Gallegos Barzola, Doris
| | The administration of indigenous justice in Ecuador, an approach from their cosmovision García, Belkys Alida
| | Cooperative learning, education from social participation in high school students Paredes León, Wilmer Rubén; Ramos Serpa, Gerardo
| | The forum in university teaching: a fundamental activity for the development of the interactive virtual classroom Fuentes Aparicio, Arian; Pastora Alejo, Betty; Suárez Abrahante, Roilys Jorje
| | Importance of the curriculum, text and teacher in the mathematics classroom Bravo Guerrero, Fabián Eugenio
| | Marketing strategies to strengthen the service image of "Charra" artisan ice cream in Bahía de Caráquez Carbache Mora, César Arturo; Herrera Bartolomé, Carolina; Talledo Delgado, Liceth Katherine
| | Economic culture of micro-producers through university linkages: An Ecuadorian experience González Zambrano, Rosa; León Valle, Benjamín Wilson; Garzozi Pincay, René; Crespo Zafra, Lourdes; Saavedra Palma, Jorge
| | Psychology, didactics and technology: reflections for rethinking education Garrido Sacán, Johanna Elizabeth; Garcés Chiriboga, Marcela Verónica; Ullauri Ullauri, Carol Ivone
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