| Table of contents Novasinergia vol.2 n.2 Riobamba Jun./Nov. 2019 Press Release | | | |
A review of traffic models using cellular automata Ruiz, Luis Bladismir; Tineo, Ambrosio
| | Characterization of traffic accidents in Ecuador Congacha, Ana E. ,; Barba Brito, Julio; Palacios Pacheco, Luís; Delgado, Jorge
| | Criticism of the methodology used to record accidents according to severity in the city of Riobamba Paredes, Ángel; Castillo, Tito
| | Use of factors of sustainability for decision making in low-volume road projects Paredes-Vega, Gabriela; Herrera, Rodrigo F.; Gómez, Miguel A.
| | A Fuzzy-PD controller for wall-following of a mobile robot: experimental validation Aguas, Xavier; Revelo, Jefferson; Herrera, Marco; Cuaycal, Andres; Camacho, Oscar
| | Graphic user interface for synchrotron beamline Brito del Pino, Jose; Brito del Pino, Felipe; Brito del Pino, Moshe; Reina, Diego
| | Drinking water wastage through sanitary equipment Arellano, Alfonso; Izurieta, Carlos; Bravo, Carlos; Merino, Alexis; Yépez, Danilo
| | Detection of Cd (II) and Pb (II) by anodic stripping voltammetry using glassy carbon electrodes modified with Ag-Hg and Ag-Bi bimetallic alloyed Valera, Danny; Sánchez, Mireya; Domínguez, José; Espinoza-Montero, Patricio J.; Velasco-Medina, Carlos; Carrera, Patricio; Fernández, Lenys
| | Conventional technical characteristics for work clothes to mitigate the risks in the Ecuadorian context Puente Carrera, Pablo Marcelo; Esparza Encalada, Darwin José; Mora Muñoz, Elsa Sulay
| | Improvement of the alveolar slab production process under Lean Six Sigma methodology in the EPCE cement public company Carrera Cabezas, Raúl Marcelo
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