| Table of contents ReHuSo vol.5 n.3 Portoviejo Sep./Dec. 2020 Press Release | | | |
Knowledge management in quality processes of higher education Tamayo Chacón, Alexis Alfredo
| | Psychosomatic reactions produced by stress and mental health of university teachers Basurto Avilés, Alexandra Elizabeth; Rodríguez Alava, Leonor Alexandra; Giniebra Urra, Ricardo; Loor Rivadeneira, Marlene Ruth Elena
| | Social catastrophes and its impact on the tourist activities of Quito, Ecuador. The national stoppage of october 2019. Becerra, José Vicente; Becerra Ávila, Mauricio Arturo; Trueba Macías, Blanca Alicia; Montilla Pacheco, Argenis de Jesús
| | Family dynamics associated with risk behaviors teen families of jurisdiction pomares. Huanuco, Perú Tamayo García, Mónica; Miraval Tarazona, Zoila; Mansilla Natividad, Peggy; Miraval Tarazona, Lincoln; Tamayo Calderón, Mariano
| | Information literacy in students of the UTM presential modality leveling course Saltos Alcívar, Jonathan Gregorio; Ormaza Pincay, María de Los Ángeles
| | Bibliographic formats in the drafting of scientific texts Palma Palma, Pierina; Benavides, Jeovanny; Saltos, Lila María
| | Virtual environments as new learning scenarios: The use of online platforms in the academic context Macías Arias, Enrique Javier; López Pinargote, Jhonny Antonio; Ramos León, Germán Temístocles; Lozada Armendáriz, Fabián Enrique
| | Pedagogical patterns for the practice of virtual education Solórzano Coello, David Leonardo; Benavides Bailón,, Jeovanny
| | Leisure activities in the teaching-learning process of students of higher education Candela Borja, Yesenia María; Benavides Bailón, Jeovanny
| | Academic engagement and disengagement. Mixed theoretical considerations and methodological decisions Rigo, Daiana Yamila
| | Historical retrospective of education in Portoviejo Alcívar Intriago, Jaime
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