Evaluation of the quality of customer service: Case of the Ferreleczam company Zambrano Zevallos, Leonela Elizabeth
The Tsuchihashi-Suzuki karyloscopic technique in students of the Norbert Wiener University Andrade Ames, Flor María; Rojas Ortega., Raúl Antonio; Barzola Loayza, Marya Graciela; Guardia Huamán, Sever Augusto
Work engagement and psychosocial risk factors in security guards of a private company Chang-Camacho, Lidia; Espinoza-Ortiz, Juliana Marlene; Buri-Indaburo, Rhonny Marcel
Quality of life at work and symptoms of work stress among nurses in Ecuador Cueva-Pila, Guadalupe Celeste; Valenzuela Suazo., Sandra Verónica; Hidalgo Ortiz, Juan Pablo
Service quality and its effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty Rodríguez Armijos, Dany Yacely; Arista Huamán., Ana María; Cruz-Tarrillo, José Joel
Between gap analysis and importance-valuation analysis: an application of the SERVQUAL model Dueñas Espinoza, Francisco Xavier; Hidrovo Burgos, Stephany Michelle; Loor Colamarco, Ignacio Wilhem
Evaluation of protein extraction methods in fingerlings of chame (Dormitator latifrons) for proteomic study Zambrano Ostaiza, Agustin Norberto; Espinosa López., Elisa; Gómez Baena, Guadalupe; Vera Delgado, Juan Manuel
Influence of professional self-efficacy on subjective working conditions and quality of working life Saltos Llerena, Irma; Paravic Klijn, Tatiana; Burgos Moreno, Mónica
Information literacy in the Communication Sciences career, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo Cedeño Espinoza, Ricardo David; Rumbaut León, Felipe; Quindemil Torrijo, Eneida María; Pinargote Nevarez, Zita Monserrate
Theoretical model for the sustainable city Alarcón Zambrano, Jaime Alfredo
Models for mental workload assessment: a systematic review Acosta Prieto, Juan Lázaro; Cuello Cuello, Yilena; García Dihigo, Joaquín; Barrios, Yoel Almeda
Eating habits and their relationship with dental erosion: a systematic review Santos Rojas, María Isabel; Barcia., Alda Noelia Alarcon; Gruezo Montesdeoca, Karla Lissette
Protected Employment in favor of people with disabilities in the Ecuadorian private sector. Arteaga Moreira, Ana Jessenia; Silva Briones, Xiomara Marcela; Véliz Vergara, Melanie Briggitte
Analysis of the Higher Education Law of Argentina in relation to current trends Calderón Arregui, David Alexander; Godoy Mena, Marisol Josefina; Marrero Fernández, Adriana
Socio-educational approach to promote entrepreneurship with vulnerable young: PACES Salesian Foundation case Cuesta, Diana Arce; Gordillo Gordillo., Edgar