Design patterns in the computational model of the process of admission to Cuban higher education García Ojalvo, Irina; Sepúlveda Lima, Roberto; Abelló Ugalde, sidro Alfredo
Efecto de las percepciones de la imagen profesional sobre las preferencias profesionales de los estudiantes de enfermería: Un estudio multicéntrico TOTUR DİKMEN, Burcu; ALTINBAŞ, Yasemin; SOYER ER, Özlem; YAVUZ van GIERSBERGEN, Meryem; USLU, Yasemin; ASLAN BAŞLI, Arzu; GEÇİT, Sinem; YAZUR, Aslı
Transmedia in the cultural agenda. Heritage dissemination strategies in the Spanish newspapers Longhi-Heredia, Sebastián-Alberto; Quezada-Tello, Laddy-Liset; Morillas-Alcázar, José-María; Gómez, Ángel Hernando
Incidental News Consumption by College Students during the pandemic Barreno Cedeño, Rafael; Trámpuz, Juan Pablo; Vélez Álava, Nancy
Capacidades Organizacionales de las Empresas Minoristas para Desarrollar Estrategias de Mercadeo Verde Escalera Chávez, Milka Elena; Vargas-Hernández., José G.; García-Santillán, Arturo
Quality of life at work of the municipal employees of Tucume - Peru Deliacir Cuzquen Yocya, Sara Randy; Esparza Huamanchumo, Rosse Marie
Instructional pedagogical design for online careers. Teaching resources uses in Basic Education Alpizar, Jorge Luis; Henríquez Coronel, María Angélica; Naranjo Flores, Christian Alberto
Cytostatic administration in the framework of quality oncology nursing care Pereda Geronimo, Melva Ysabel; Meneses-La-Riva, Mónica Elisa
Information literacy and digital competence in teaching pedagogical management Mendoza Muñoz, Gretty Katiuska; Párraga Muñoz, Sonia Monserrate
Hearing impairment in personnel exposed to industrial noise in a manufacturing company Alcívar Tejena, Genesis Monserrate
Pedagogy of Effectuation: a pending task in entrepreneurship education Palomeque Palomeque, Sergio Luis; Loor Colamarco, Ignacio Wilhem
Tax collection and their investment in risk management: case of Portoviejo, Ecuador Salazar Bravo, José Alberto; Paucar Camacho, José Abelardo; Feijó Cuenca, Nilba Priscila
Use of virtual platforms by nursing professionals to educate the oncology patient Lermo Sandoval, Jenny Ivonne; Calixto Cruz, Erika Patricia
Design thinking as a methodology to develop autonomous learning in students of Peruvian schools Ñontol Oyarce, Lupita Mabel; Montenegro Marín, María Roxana; Ruíz Acuña, Hugo Martín; Fernández Otoya, Fiorela Anaí
The principle of favorability beyond the quantum of the criminal sanction Vidal, Tania Muñoa; Villacreses Palomeque., Jorge Luis