The compact city and the dispersed city: An approach from the perspectives of coexistence and sustainability Alarcón Zambrano1, Jaime Alfredo
Behavior of merchandise management in ecuadorian littoral restaurants Álvarez Ojeda1, Vladimir; Espinosa Manfugás, Julia María; Torres Chávez3, Osmel
Social Support and its Influence on the Exhaustion of Teachers of Police Educational Institutions Gálvez Galarza1, Pilar Victoria
Characterization of impacted mandibular third molars. Portoviejo 2017 -2019. Díaz Pérez, Carlos Alberto; Martínez Rodríguez, Milagros; Valdés Domech, Hidelisa; Díaz Martínez, Milagros del Carmen
Strategic plan for prevention and restoration of values for the improvement of educational quality Díaz Déggola, Henry Nickeil
Analysis of the scope and implications of the heritage of the archives in Mexico, for social research Silva Hernández., Francisca
Pedagogical actions to promote the fundamental pillars of Venezuelan education ¿Reality or utopia? Romero Parra, Rosario Mireya
Proposal for performance evaluation as a process generating changes for the Municipal Company Property Registry of Manta Cedeño Catagua, Teresa Gabriela; Saltos Briones, Gladys María
Psychoeducational strategies for the development of social skills of secondary school students Estrada Araoz, Edwin Gustavo; Mamani Uchasara, Helen Juddy; Gallegos Ramos, Néstor Antonio
The Catalog of Protections as a normative figure for the protection of the architectural heritage of the Historic Center of Portoviejo Barcia Moreira, Manuel Alejandro
Comparative analysis of ISTAS 21 and FPSICO tools in financial sector personnel Cedeño Bravo, Andrea Paola; Chávez Carrillo, Ricardo Alex
Descriptive analysis of metabolic syndrome in workers of companies on the ecuadorian coast, 2017 and 2018 Apolo Montero, Angélica María; Escobar Segovia, Kenny Fernando; Herrera Vinelli, Irene Pamela; Arias Ulloa, Cristian Arturo; Apolo Montero, Dorys Andrea
Perception of voice disability in teachers of higher education unit Mieles Álava, José Carlos
Ethics as a diferenciador element in the personal branding Cedeño Bravo, Mario Junior; Intriago Zambrano, Ernesto; Zambrano Vélez, Carmen Katerine
Notes to an explicit text. On legal in Nicolás Gómez Dávila Márquez Albert, José Jesús