Consideraciones para una utopía de la producción arquitectónica del espacio Jiménez-Pacheco, Pedro
Within Aquatic Life. Beyond the Anthropogenic Maritorium Prospect Mannisi, Alban; Tapia, Carlos; Arango, Johana Herrera; Pittungnapoo, Witiya; Saito, Shota
Gender and daily mobility in a university community of Cuenca-Ecuador Hermida, Carla; Cordero, Manuela; Eljuri, Gabriela; Fajardo, Gabriela; Serrano, Erick
Eco-design approach on a university campus: MSKU outdoor cinema and activity area Koca, Feray; Kahyaoglu, Mehmet Rifat; Beyhan, Burak
Visualizing the differences. Analysis of the street names of Cuenca City, Ecuador Andrade, Galo Carrión; Cárdenas, José Urgilés; Sánchez, Macarena Montes; Cárdenas, Juan Urgilés
El derecho a la ciudad de las personas vulnerables. Perspectivas del caso de Estambul Waite, Imge Akcakaya
From geoclimate to curriculum. Towards a macrocurricular approach to the Andean tropics in the architecture program at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín campus García-Cardon, Ader; Múnera-Naranjo, Luis; Arango-Flórez, John
The urban industrial growth of Quito: from neoliberalism to 21st century socialism Gómez Díaz, Mauricio Gorky; Ramos, Lizette
Methodologies for the development of a graphic database of architectural heritage Quintilla-Castán, Marta; Agustín-Hernández, Luis
Envelope improvements for thermal behavior of rural houses in the Colca Valley, Perú Ramos, Carla Iruri -; Gómez, Patricia Domínguez -; D’amico, Flavio Celis -
Recognition of the railway heritage in southeastern Cuba as a form of cultural expression. Theoretical-methodological approaches Quevedo, Frank Ernesto Villarreal; Aguilera, Lourdes Magalis Rizo
The fabrication of the city between urban rule and urban project, case of Annaba city Naziha, Laouissi; Hassib, Rehailia
Dwelling in the interstice: meeting points between the historical heritage and contemporary projects Aspres, Alberta Lorenzo