Rigor and objectivity as foundations of the rationality of physics in Evandro Agazzi Rivera Guerrero, Linda Marcela; Castellanos Muñoz, Arjuna Gabriel; Gómez Rodas, Carlos Andrés
Realism, general relativity and Schrödinger’s Cat Echavarría, Ricardo Restrepo
Analogy among electrical potential difference and gravitational dotencial difference on the teaching physics Bahia, Raira Maria Lima; Jaime, Pedro Javier Gómez
The problem of the knowledge of the thinking substance in the Meditations and in the Objections and Replies of Rene Descartes Freitas, Vinícius França; Sousa, Ana Cláudia Teodoro
Phenomenology of audiovisualnarrative for an ethical formation employing “anime” Casallo Mesías, Víctor Francisco
Philosophical foundations for a pedagogy of culture Esparza Urzúa, Gustavo Adolfo
Philosophy as a continuation through the educational task Alarcón Leiva, Jorge
Character education based on the values and norms of the Indonesian philosophical system Effendi, Yulius Rustan
Development of socio-emotional skills in the training of educators in today’ssociety Calderón Calderón, Antonio
Learning processes and repercussions from handicrafts for social and popular education Tubay Zambrano, Fanny Monserrate; Estrada García, Alex Darío