Need of the Technique from Metaphysics and Ethics Hernández Rodríguez, Juan Camilo; Pérez Bedoya, Jhonatan
Homo Sloterdijk: Philosophy of technology in Postmodernity Tillería Aqueveque, Leopoldo Edgardo
Techno-science and consilience as an agenda for the philosophy of technology Guzón Nestar, José Luis
Educational cybernetics, actors and contexts in the professional education at a distance system Rodríguez Ortiz, Angélica María; Chávez Cibrián, Eduardo Isaac
Mobile-Learning mediated with PACIE methodology for constructivist knowledge Cobos Velasco, Juan Carlos; Simbaña Gallardo, Verónica Patricia; Jaramillo Naranjo, Lilian Mercedes
Social imaginaries about the use of technology and interpersonal relationships in university students through fiction films as a didactic resource Cuevas Romo, Julio
Beyond the tablet, ¿an intermediate zone of learning? Miranda Orrego, María Isabel; Grijalva Alvear, Isaac David
Potential for innovation and institutional management at the National University of Cañete-Peru Oseda Gago, Dulio; Mendivel Geronimo, Ruth Katherine; Durán Carhuamaca, Amanda
Transformational leadership from the perspective of humanist pedagogy Rojas Carrasco, Oscar Alfredo; Vivas Escalante, Amely Dolibeth; Mota Suárez, Katihuska Tahiri; Quiñonez Fuentes, Jennifer Zurina
The Ecuadorian crisis of aesthetic representation from the second half of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century Cabrera Zambrano, Pablo Eugenio