The transhumant subject of modern philosophy and the transformations of the real Corona Fernández, Javier
The redefinition of the cognitive subject: the act of intellection as knowledge Obando Olaya, Edwin Fabricio; Villagrán Venegas, Norma Gabriela; Obando Olaya, Edson Leonardo
The subject-object relationship in the Kantian conception of science Chaves-Montero, Alfonso; Gadea Aiello, Walter Federico
The phenomenological fact of the subject and the object in learning Solís Sotomayor, Luis Xavier
The phenomenon of knowledge as a problem in educational research Morales Hidalgo, Paulina de los Ángeles; Bermúdez García, José Ángel; García Zacarías, Jean Carlos
The subjection in the educational panoramaafter of “end of history” López Morocho, Luis Rodolfo
Subjectivity and authoritarianism in Theodor W. Adorno’s philosophy of education Robles, Gustavo Matías
Thinking the enigma of subjectivity through diversity Cepeda Sánchez, Jonathan
The neoliberal episteme and the emancipatory student repolitization in Brazil and Chile Rodríguez Mancilla, Héctor Marcelo; Betancourt Sáez, Marcela Eliana; Varas González, René Antonio
Dialectics of plurinationality as criticism of the state-nation liberal Díaz Salazar, Holger Rodrigo