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Enfoque UTE
versão On-line ISSN 1390-6542versão impressa ISSN 1390-9363


Enfoque UTE vol.15 no.2 Quito Abr./Jun. 2024

Characterization of the Vegetation Community and its Contribution to a Carbon Stock in a Dry Forest
Muentes, Josselyn; Moreira, Juan Manuel; Chata, César; Alcívar, Antonella; Zorrilla, Iliana; Salas-Macías, Carlos A.

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Distributed Congestion Control Based on Utility Function
Segarra-Guzman, Edison; Ludeña-González, Patricia

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Current Status and Challenges of IoT Research in the Ecuadorian Healthcare Sector: A Systematic Literature Review
Vaca Orellana, Cristina; Valle Dávila, María

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Nutritional Physiology of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Fed on Different Wheat Varieties
Amjad, Aqsa; Ullah, Muhammad I.; Arshad, Muhammad; Majeed, Muhammad Z.; Umar, Rafia; Perveen, Nahdia; Qadeer, Muqadas; Gul, Haroon

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Investigation of Wind Effects on UAV Adaptive PID Based MPC Control System
Martínez-León, Andrés Santiago; Jatsun, Sergey; Emelyanova, Oksana

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Evolution of the Polygon of the Protected Natural Area “Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano” Due to the Expansion of the Port of Veracruz, Mexico
Hernández-Silva, Xóchitl Citlalli; Castañeda-Chávez, María del Refugio; Díaz-González, Mario; Morán-Silva, Ángel; Lago-Reynoso, Fabiola; Castellanos-Onorio, Olaya Pirene; Montoya-Mendoza, Jesús; Susunaga-Mirada, Manuel Alberto

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