| Table of contents Enfoque UTE vol.12 n.3 Quito Jul./Sep. 2021 Press Release | | | |
Effects of applying saturated steam as an Organic Sterilization System (OSS) in mirasol chili pepper (Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum) and panca chili pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) Guevara Pérez, Américo; Villanueva-Quejia, Elizabeth; Nolazco Cama, Diana; Llontop, Gabriela; Cancino Chávez, Keidy
| | Comparison of descriptive sensory methods: flash profile and CATA questions to characterize muña infusions (Minthostachys mollis) Silva Paz, Reynaldo J.; Pichiuza Gonzales, Gabriela N.; Eccoña Sota, Amparo
| | Gelled emulsions enriched with chickpea flour as a potential substitute for animal fat Britez, Melisa, G.; Rolhaiser, Fabiana A.; Fernández, Carina L.; Fogar, Ricardo A.; Romero, Mara, C.
| | Dimensional analysis applied to jacketed shell and tube heat exchangers modeling Sánchez-Escalona, Andres A.; Camaraza-Medina, Yanán; Retirado-Mediaceja, Yoalbys; Góngora-Leyva, Ever; Vega-Almaguer, Manuel
| | Evaluation of different empirical formulas for calculating the concentration time in the urban basin of the Belico and Cubanicay rivers, city of Santa Clara Castillo García, Carlos Lázaro; Abreu Franco, Diego Emilio; Álvarez González, Michael
| | Removal of Heavy Metals (Cr+6, Ni, Zn) from Leachates of the Sanitary Landfill of the City of Veracruz, Mexico with Reactive Permeable Silica Sand Barriers Susunaga Miranda, Manuel Alberto; Estévez Garrido, Bertha María; Ortiz Muñiz, Benigno; Susunaga Estévez, Rodrigo Manuel
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