| Table of contents Enfoque UTE vol.11 n.2 Quito Mar./Jun. 2020 Press Release | | | |
Effect of neem on Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton and its parasitoid Ageniaspis citricola Logvinovskaya in Ecuador Cañarte-Bermúdez, Ernesto; Navarrete-Cedeño, Bernardo; Montero-Cedeño, Silvia; Arredondo-Bernal, Hugo César; Bautista-Martínez, Néstor; Chávez-López, Onésimo
| | Technological alternatives for the control of Botrytis sp. In Andean blackberry (Rubus glaucus) Acosta-Ruales, Martin; Viera, William Fernando; Jackson, Trevor; Vásquez-Castillo, Wilson
| | Evaluation of the efficiency of three oil extraction equipments with different oil palm genotypes (Elaeis sp.) Navarrete Parraga, Mercedes; Zambrano Marcillo, Silvia; Zambrano Sabando, Walter; Romero Pizarro, Martha; Racines Jaramillo, Marcelo; Paredes Puga, Ernesto; Quintero Román, Leonardo; Ortega Cedillo, Digner
| | Review of the state of art of DX-SAHP systems to obtain domestic hot water Quitiaquez, William; Simbaña, Isaac; Isaza-Roldán, A.; Quitiaquez, Patricio; Nieto-Londoño, César; Toapanta-Ramos, Fernando
| | Morphological, phenological and pomological differentiation of commercial cultivars of blackberry (Rubus glaucus Benth.) Iza, Mónica; Viteri, Pablo; Hinojosa, Milton; Martínez, Aníbal; Sotomayor, Andrea; Viera, William
| | In situ morphological characterization of soursop (Annona muricata L.) plants in Manabí, Ecuador Moreira-Macías, Ricardo; Rodríguez, Héctor; Ardisana Eduardo, Héctor; Feicán-Mejía, Carlos; Mestanza Velasco, Saúl Anibal; Viera Arroyo, William
| | Third-party management in software development: proposal of a methodology Núñez-Sánchez, Yeison; González-Torres, Antonio
| | Design, evaluation and validation of an effluent treatment system for the leather tanning process: case Pieles del Sur E.I.R.L. Muñoz Paz, Víctor; Longa Cuayla, Víctor; Carreño Arispe, Alejandra; Aguilar Franco, José
| | CFD Analysis of a solar flat plate collector with different cross sections Toapanta, Luis Fernando; Anthony Xavier, Andrade; Quitiaquez Sarzosa, William
| | Artificial neural network to estimate an index of water quality Quiñones Huatangari, Lenin; Ochoa Toledo, Luis; Gamarra Torres, Oscar; Bazán Correa, José; Delgado Soto, Jorge; Kemper Valverde, Nicolás
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