Hybrid Conflicts and Threats: Main Features, its Evolution across Time and Preponderant Forms Bartolomé, Mariano César
Cyber-physical Facts: AProposed Analysis for Cyber Threats in the National Cybersecurity Strategies Aguilar, Juan Antonio Manuel
Reconceptualizing the Relationship between Technology, Institutions and War Ocón, Alfredo-Leandro; Ponte, Aureliano da
The Social Component of the Hybrid Threat and its Detection with Bayesian Models Ruiz-Ruano, Ana-María; López-Puga, Jorge; Delgado-Morán, Juan-Jose
Small Scale Drug Trafficking and Territorial Control in Latin America Saborío, Sebastián
The National Guard and the militarization of public security in Mexico Hernández, Gerardo; Romero-Arias, Carlos-Alfonso
The Informative Treatment of theRussianHybrid War Miguel-Gil, Javier