Between change and historical inertia: the current context of military intelligence in South America Cabrera, Lester
Military intelligence and organized crime. Challenges to debate in Latin America Sansó-Rubert, Daniel
The evolution of Argentine´s military intelligence policy: ruptures and continuities (1990-2015) Poczynok, Iván
The ecuadorian military intelligence in the risk society Ordóñez, María Dolores
Chile: considerations on civil control of military intelligence Cárcamo, Rodrigo
Military intelligence in Argentina. Reflections since a naval archive Muzzopappa, Eva
Origins in the intelligence process in Peru Gómez de la Torre, Andrés; Medrano Carmona, Arturo
A window of opportunity to reform the intelligence in Uruguay Álvarez Rosas, Nicolás
National security, military intelligence and access to information in Mexico Jasso López, Lucía Carmina
Ignorance studies, intelligence and the war on drugs in Colombia Guerrero-C, Javier
The information and intelligence system Platform Mexico Cáceres, Otto René
Illicit Drug Trafficking on the Darkweb: Criptomarkets García, Luis Ignacio
The scientific-technological intelligence for development and the Latin American geoeconomic security Viamonte, Yoan Israel
Uncertainty of dimensional analysis of intelligence Payá Santos, Claudio Augusto; Delgado Morán2, Juan José
Women's imprisonment: Who they are and how they live in a prison in Ecuador? Almeida, Laddy
El uso interno de las fuerzas militares de Estados Unidos en la “Guerra contra las Drogas” Concha, Sebastián
Control inteligente del delito Grupo de estudios sobre prevención del delito y la violencia. Programa Jóvenes Investigadores