Fieldwork, the experimental and ethnographic “how to” Introduction to Dossier Andrade, X.; Forero, Ana María; Montezemolo, Fiamma
Resituating the Sketch/ Bitacora in the Production of Knowledge and Anthropological Meaning Cortés Severino, Catalina
Local Culture: Curation as an Ethnographic Process in the Contemporary Cuban Art Scene González, Celia Irina
Claroscura Representation: An Audio-visual and Theoretical Exploration of the Representation of the Past Through Documentary Filmmaking Stollbrock Trujillo, Gerrit
The Acoustic Dimension of Social Protest: Notes from an Ethnography of Sound Martin, José Luis; Fernández Trejo, Santiago
Cyber-activism and Waves of Communication Agitation: Ethnographic Considerations Aguilar-Forero, Nicolás
Lévi-Strauss, Jíbaro individualism and the Musée du quai Branly. A dialogue with Anne-Christine Taylor Bacchiddu, Giovanna; González Gálvez, Marcelo
Signs, ethnography and curation in the National Historic Police Museum, Bogotá Kraus, Daniel; Andrade, X.; Forero, Ana María; Salinas, Mauricio
Trans-versing Latin America: Networks, Labour and Sexuality García Díaz, Lidia Raquel
Local Ecological Knowledge and Biological Conservation: Post-normal Science as an Intercultural Field Zalles, Jorje Ignacio
Cuerpos en escena. Materialidad y cuerpo sexuado en Judith Butler y Paul B. Preciado de Martín A. De Mauro Rucovsky Ramírez, Antonieta
El conejillo de Indias profesional. La industria farmacéutica y el riesgoso mundo de los sujetos de investigación de Roberto Abadie Portugal-Ramírez, Mario
El sistema es antinosotros. Culturas, movimientos y resistencias juveniles de José Manuel Valenzuela Arce, coordinador Vargas, Isaac
El audiovisual ampliado de Santiago Marino, coordinador Koziner, Nadia Sabrina