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Revista Politécnica

versión On-line ISSN 2477-8990versión impresa ISSN 1390-0129

Rev Politéc. (Quito) vol.44 no.1 Quito ago./oct. 2019 


Robustez de la Controlabilidad para la Ecuación de Onda Fuertemente Amortiguada Bajo la Influencia de Impulsos, Retardos y Condiciones no Locales

Robustness of the controllability for the strongly damped wave equation under the influence of impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions

Hugo Leiva 1   2   *  

1Universidad de Los Andes, Departamento de Matemáticas, Mérida 5101-Venezuela

2University Yachay Tech, School of Mathematical Sciences and Computation, San Miguel de Urcuqui, Imbabura- Ecuador


Este trabajo demuestra la siguiente conjetura: impulsos, retardos y condiciones no locales, bajo algunos supuestos, no destruyen algunas propiedades cualitativas del sistema planteado ya que son intrínsecas a él. Verificamos que la propiedad de controlabilidad es robusta bajo este tipo de perturbaciones para la ecuación de onda fuertemente amortiguada. Específicamente, demostramos que la capacidad de control interior aproximada de la ecuación de onda lineal fuertemente amortiguada no se destruye si agregamos impulsos, condiciones no locales y una perturbación no lineal con retraso en estado. Esto se hace mediante el uso de nuevas técnicas evitando teoremas de punto fijo empleado por A.E. Bashirov et al. En este caso el retardo nos ayuda a probar la capacidad de control aproximada de este sistema al retirar la solución de control a una curva fija en un corto intervalo de tiempo, y desde esta posición, podemos alcanzar una vecindad del estado final en el tiempo τ utilizando que la ecuación de onda lineal fuertemente amortiguada correspondiente es aproximadamente controlable en cualquier intervalo {t0,τ},0<t0<τ

Palabras clave: controlabilidad aproximada interior; impulsos; ecuación de onda semilineal fuertemente amortiguada; retrasos; condiciones no locales; semigrupos fuertemente continuos


This work proves the following conjecture: impulses, delays, and nonlocal conditions, under some assumptions, do not destroy some posed system qualitative properties since they are themselves intrinsic to it. we verified that the property of controllability is robust under this type of disturbances for the strongly damped wave equation. Specifically, we prove that the interior approximate controllability of linear strongly damped wave equation is not destroyed if we add impulses, nonlocal conditions and a nonlinear perturbation with delay in state. This is done by using new techniques avoiding fixed point theorems employed by A.E. Bashirov et al. In this case the delay help us to prove the approximate controllability of this system by pulling back the control solution to a fixed curve in a short time interval, and from this position, we are able to reach a neighborhood of the final state in time τ by using that the corresponding linear strongly damped wave equation is approximately controllable on any interval {t0,τ},0<t0<τ

Keywords: interior approximate controllability; impulses; semilinear strongly damped wave equation; delays; nonlocal conditions; strongly continuous semigroups

1. Introduction

In this paper, we study the interior approximate controllability of the following strongly damped semilinear wave equations under the influence of impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions; without using fixed point Theorem

w''+η-Δ1/2w'+γ-Δw=1ωut,x+ft,w,w',wt-r1,,wt-rm,&w't-r1,w't-rm,ut,xinΩτ (1)

w(t,x)=0,onΩ,w(s,x)+h1(w(τ1+s,x),,w(τq+s,x))=ϕ1(s,x),w'(s,x)+h2(w'(τ1+s,x),,w'(τq+s,x))=ϕ2(s,x),inΩ-rw'(tk+,x)=w'(tk-,x)+Ik(tk,w(tk,x),w'(tk,x),u(tk,x)),k=1,,p. (2)

In the space Z1/2=D((-Δ)1/2)×L2(Ω) where w'=wt, w''=2wt2, ΩRN, N1 is a bounded domain, γ and η are positive numbers.

Along with Dirichlet boundary condition, where Δ denotes de Laplacian operator, Ω is a bounded domain in RN (N1), Ω denotes the boundary of Ω, Ωτ=(0,τ]×Ω,  Ω=(0,τ)×Ω,  Ω-r=[-r,0]×Ω,  ω is an open nonempty subset of Ω, 1ω denotes the characteristic function of the set ω, the distributed control u belongs to L2([0,τ];L2(Ω)), ϕi:[-r,0]×ΩR, i=1,2, are continuous functions, 0<r1<<rm<r are the delays and 0<τ1<<τq<τ.

From now on, we shall assume the following hypotheses

  • H1) The funcitons Ik:[0,τ]×R×R×RR, k=1,,p, f:[0,τ]×R×R×Rm×Rm×RR and hi:RqR, i=1,2 are smooth enough, such that the above problem admits maild solutions according with.

  • H2) The following estimates hold:

    |f(t,ξ0,ϑ0,ξ1,,ξm,ϑ1,,ϑm,u)|ρl=0m(|ξl|ρl+|ϑl|ρl),u,ξl,ϑlR., (3)

where ρ:R+[0,) is a continuous and increasing function. In particular, ρ could be given by




To set this problem, we shall choose the following natural Banach space:


J'=[-r,τ]{t1,t2,,tp} endowed with the norm z=supt[-r,τ]z(t,)Z1/2, where z=(w,v)=(w,wt) and

zZ1/2=Ω((-Δ)1/2w2+v2)dx1/2,for allzZ1/2.

Remark 1. It is clear that PCt1..tP([-r,τ];Z1/2) is a closed linear subspace of the Banach space of all piecewise continuous functions PC([-r,τ];Z1/2) with the supreme norm, which implies that PCt1..tP([-r,τ];Z1/2) is a Banach space with the same norm.

We note that the interior controllability of the following strongly damped wave equation without impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions

w+η(-Δ)1/2w'+γ(-Δ)w=1wu(t,x),in(0,τ]×Ω,w=0,on(0,τ)×Ω,w(0,x)=w0(x)w'(0,x)=w1(x),inΩ (4)

has been proved in , where the abstract formulation is done using fractional powered spaces, some ideas are taken from it to study this present problem. Finally, the approximate controllability of the system (1) follows from the approximate controllability of the linear system (4) in any interval of the form [τ-δ,τ], with 0<δ<τ, and using a new technique avoid fixed point theorems by applying in (Bashirov A.E. and Ghahramanlou N. (2013)), (Bashirov et al.(2007)), (Bashirov A.E. and Mahmudov N.I. (1999)).

There are many practical examples of impulsive control systems, a chemical reactor system, a financial system with two state variables, the amount of money in a market and the savings rate of a central bank; and the growth of a population diffusing throughout its habitat modeled by a reaction-diffusion equation. One may easily visualize situations in these examples where abrupt changes such as harvesting, disasters and instantaneous stocking may occur. These problems are modeled by impulsive differential equations, and for more information see the monographs, (Lakshmikantham V., Bainov D. D. and Simeonov P.S. (1989)) and (Samoilenko A. M. and Perestyuk N.A. (1995)) 

The controllability of Impulsive Evolution Equations has been studied recently for several authors, but most them study the exact controllability only, to mention: (Chalishajar D. N. (2011)), studied the exact controllability of impulsive partial neutral functional differential equations with infinite delay and (Selvi S. and Mallika Arjunan M. (2012)) studied the exact controllability for impulsive differential systems with finite delay.

To our knowledge, there are a few works on approximate controllability of impulsive semilinear evolution equations, to mention: (Chen L. and Li G (2010)) studied the Approximate controllability of impulsive differential equations with nonlocal conditions, using measure of noncompactness and Monch’s fixed point theorem, and assuming that the nonlinear term f(t,z) does not depend on the control variable.

Recently, in Leiva Hugo (2014 a, b); Leiva Hugo and Merentes N. (2015); Leiva Hugo (2015) the approximate controllability of semilinear evolution equations with impulses has been studied applying Rothe’s Fixed Point Theorem. Also, there are many papers on evolution equations with impulses and delay or with impulses and nonlocal conditions or with local conditions and delays, where not only the controllability is studied, but also other aspects are studied, such as the existence of mild solutions, synchronization, stability, etc. To mention, we have the following references: Chalishajar D. N. (2011); Chen L. and Li G (2010); Chiu K. and Li T. (2019); Guevara C. and Leiva H. (2016); Guevara C. and Leiva H. (2017); Jiang C., Zhang F. and Li Tongxing (2018); Leiva Hugo and Rojas Raul (2016); Li Tongxing, Pintus Nicola and Viglialoro Giuseppe (2019); Liang Jin, Liu James H. and XiaoTi-Jun (2009); Qina Haiyong et al. (2017); Quin Haiyong et al. (2017); Selvi S. and Mallika Arjunan M. (2012).

2. Abstract Formulation of the Problem

In this section, we choose a Hilbert space where system (1) can be written as an abstract differential equation; to this end, we shall use the following notations:

Let X=U=L2(Ω)=L2(Ω,R) and consider the linear unbounded operator :D(A)XX defined by

Aφ=-Δφ, where DA=H2Ω, RH01Ω, R

The fractional powered spaces Xα (see details in Larez H., Leiva Hugo and Rebaza J. (2012)) are given by


endowed with the norm


where {Ej} is a family of complete orthogonal projections in X; and for the Hilbert sapce Zα=Xα×X the corresponding norm is


Proposition 1. Given j1, the operator Pj:ZαZα defined by

Pj=Ej00Ej (5)

is a continuous (bounded) orthogonal projections in the Hilbert space Zα.

Hence, the equation (1) can be written as an abstract second order ordinary differential equation in X as

w+ηA1/2w'+γAw=Bωu+fe(t,w(t),w'(t),wt(-r1),,wt(-rm),w't(-r1),,wt'(-rm),u(t)),t(0,τ],ttk.w(s)+g1(wτ1,,wτq)(s)=ϕ1(s)w'(s)+g2(wτ1,,wτq)(s)=ϕ2(s),s[-r,0]w'(tk+)=w'(tk)+Ike(tk,w(tk),w'(tk),u(tk)),k=1,,p, (6)






A change of variable v=w' transforms the second order equation (6) into the following first order system of ordinary differential equations with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions in the space Z1/2.

z'=Az+Bω+F(t,z(t),zt(-r1),,zt(-rm),u),ttk,z(s)+g(zτ1,,zτq)(s)=ϕ(s),s[-r,0],z(tk+)=z(tk-)+Ik(tk,z(tk),u(tk)),k=1,,q,, (7)

where uC([0,τ],U), z=(w,v), ϕ=(ϕ1,ϕ2)C([-r,0],X), zt defined as a function from [-r,0] to Z1/2 by zt(s)=z(t+s),-rs0,


is an unbounded linear operator with domain D(A)=D(A)×D(A1/2), IX represents the identity in X,






Definition 1. (Approximate Controllability) The system (7) is said to be approximately controllable on [0,τ] if for every ϕ=(ϕ1,ϕ2)C([-r,0];Z1/2), z1Z1/2 and ε>0, there exists uC([0,τ];L2(Ω)) such that the solution z(t) of (1) corresponding to u verifies:


The hypotheses H1) and H2), together with the continuous inclusion X1/2X, yield.

Proposition 2. The function F satisfies the following inequality:

F(t,z,ϕ1,..,ϕm,u)Z1/2σzZ1/2+l=1mϕl(-rl), (8)

where σ:R+[0,) is a continuous function.

It is well known that the operator A generates a strongly continuous semigroup {T(t)}t0 in the space Z1/2, which is also analytic. Furthermore, Lemma 2.1 in Leiva Hugo (2003) yields.

Proposition 3.

The semigroup {T(t)}t0 generated by the operator A is compact and has the following representation

T(t)z=j=1eAjtP,z,zZ1/2,t0, (9)

where {Pj}j0 is a complete family of orthogonal projections in the Hilbert space Z1/2 given by (5) and


Moreover, eAjt=eRjtPj, the eigenvalues of Rj are








In this section, we shall characterize the approximate controllability of the linear system. To this end, for all z0Z1 and uL2([0,τ];U) the initial value problem

z'(t)=Az(t)+Bωu(t),zZ1/2,z(t0)=z0, (10)

admits only one mild solution given by

z(t)=T(t-t0)z0+t0tT(t-s)Bωu(s)ds;t[t0,τ],0t0τ. (11)

For the system (10) we define the following concept: The controllability map (for τ>0) Gτδ:L2([τ-δ,τ];U)Z1/2 is defined by

Gτδu=τ-δτT(τ-s)Bωu(s)ds, (12)

whose adjoint operator Gτδ* is


is given by

(Gδ*z)(s)=Bω*T(τ)z,s[0,δ],zZ1/2. (13)

The Gramian controllability operator is defined as:

Qτδ=GτδGτδ*=τ-δτT(τ-s)BωBω*T*(τ-s)u(s)ds. (14)

The following lemma holds in general for a linear bounded operator G:WZ between Hilbert spaces W and Z(see Curtain R.F. and Pritchard A.J. (1978), Curtain R.F. and Zwart H.J. (1995) and Leiva Hugo, Merentes N. and Sanchez J. (2012)).

Lemma 1. The following statements are equivalent to the approximate controllability of the linear system (10) on [τ-δ,τ]

  1. Rang(Gτδ)¯=Z1/2.

  2. ker(Gτδ*)=0

  3. Qτδz,z>0,z0inZ1/2

The following Theorem is a characterization of the approximate controllability of the system (10):

Theorem 1. (see Bashirov et al. (2007), Bashirov A.E. and Mahmudov N.I. (1999), Curtain R.F. and Pritchard A.J. (1978), Curtain R.F. and Zwart H.J. (1995) and Leiva Hugo, Merentes N. and Sanchez J. (2012)) The system (10) is approximately controllable on [0,τ] if, and only if, any one of the following conditions hold:

  1. limα0+α(αI+Qτδ*)-1z=0

  2. For all zZ1/2 we have Gτδuα=z-α(αI+Qτδ)-1z, where uα=Gτδ*(αI+Qτδ*)-1z,α(0,1]

  3. Moreover, if we consider for each vL2([τ-δ,τ];U), the sequence of controls given by


    we get that:




    with the error Eτδz of this approximation is given by Eτδz=α(αI+Qτδ)-1(z+Gτδv),α(0,1]

Remark 2. The Theorem 1 implies that the family of linear operators Γτδ:Z1/2L2([τ-δ,τ];U) defined for 0α1, by


satisfies the following relation


in the strong topology.

Since the controllability of the linear system (10) was prove by Carrasco A., Leiva H. and Sanchez J.L. (2013), on [0,τ] for all τ>0, we get the following characterization for the approximate controllability of (10).

Lemma 2. Qτδ>0 if, and only if, the linear system (10) is controllable on [τ-δ,τ]. Moreover, given an initial state y0 and a final state Z1/2 we can find a sequence of controls uαδ}0<α1L2(τ-δ,τ;U)


such that the solutions y(t)=y(t,τ-δ,y0,uαδ) of the initial value problem

y'=Ay+Bωuα(t),yZ1/2,t>0,y(τ-δ)=y0, (15)





3. The System with Impulses, Delays and Nonlocal Conditions

In this section, we shall prove the main result of this paper, the interior approximate controllability of the semilinear strongly damped wave equation with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions given by (1), which is equivalent to prove the approximate controllability of the system (7). To this end, for all ϕC and uC([0,τ];U) the initial value problem, according with the recent work from Leiva Hugo and Sundar P. (2017); Leiva Hugo (2018)

z'=Az+Bωu+F(t,z(t),zt(-r1),zt(-r2),,zt(-rm),u),t(0,τ],z(s)+g(zτ1,zτ2,,zτq)(s)=ϕ(s),s[-r,0],z(tk+)=z(tk-)+Ik(tk,z(tk),u(tk)),k=1,2,3,,p. (16)

admits only one mild solution zPCt1..tP([-r,τ];Z1/2) given by


Now, we are ready to present and prove the main result of this paper, which is the interior approximate controllability of the semilinear strongly damped wave equation with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions (16).

Theorem 2. If the functions f,Ik,h are smooth enough, condition (1) holds, and since the linear system (10) is approximately controllable on any interval [τ-δ,τ], 0<δ<τ, then system (16) is approximately controllable on [0,τ].

Demostration. Given ϕC, a final state z1 and ε>0, we want to find a control uδL2(0,τ;U) steering the system to z1 on [τ-δ,τ]. Precisely, for 0<δ<min{τ-tp,r} small enough, there exists control uδL2(0,τ;U) such that corresponding of solutions zδ of (16) satisfies


In fact, we consider any fixed control uL2(0,τ;U) and the corresponding solution z(t)=z(t,0,ϕ,u) of the problem (16). For 0<δ<min{τ-tp,r} small enough, we define the control uδL2(0,τ;U) as follows




Since 0<δ<τ-tp, then τ-δ>tp, the corresponding solution zδ(t)=z(t,0,ϕ,uδ) of the nonlocal Cauchy problem (16) at time τ can be written as follows:




The corresponding solution yδ(t)=y(t,τ-δ,z(τ-δ),vδ) of the initial value problem (16) at time τ, for the control vδ and the initial condition z0=z(τ-δ), is given by:


and from Lemma 2, we get a solution of the linear initial value problem (10) such that



zδτ-z1 ε2+τ-δτTτ-s Fs,zδs,zsδ-r1,zsδ-r2,,zsδ-rm,vδsds.

Now, since 0<δ<r and τ-δsτ, then s-rτ-r<τ-δ and


Hence, there exists δ small enough such that 0<δ<min{r,τ-tp} and

zδτ-z1 ε2+τ-δτTτ-s Fs,zs, zs-r1,zs-r2,,zs-rm,vδsdsε2+τ-δτTτ-s σ z(s)F12 +l=1mzs(-r1)    ds <ε2+ε2= ε

This completes the proof of the Theorem.

5. Final Remark

Our methodology is simple and can be applied to those second order diffusive processes with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions like some control system governed by partial differential equations. For example, the Benjamin -Bona-Mohany Equation with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions, the beam equations with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions, etc.

Moreover, some of these particular problems can be formulated in a more general setting. Indeed, we can consider the following semilinear evolution equation in a general Hilbert space Z1/2

z'=Az+B+F(t,zt,u(t)),ttk,z(s)+g(zτ1,,zτq)(s)=ϕ(s),s[-r,0],z(tk+)=z(tk-)+Ik(tk,z(tk),u(tk)),k=1,,q, (18)

where uC([0,τ],U), z=(w,v), ϕ=(ϕ1,ϕ2)C([-r,0],X), zt defined as a function from [-r,0] to Z1/2 by zt(s)=z(t+s),-rs0


is an unbounded linear operator with domain D(A)=D(A)×D(A1/2), IX represents the identity in X, and A:D(A)XZ is an unbounded linear operator in X with the following spectral decomposition:


with the eigenvalues 0<λ1<λ2<<λn of Ahaving finite multiplicity γj equal to the dimension of the corresponding eigenspaces, and {ϕj,k} is a complete orthonormal set of eigenfunctions of A. The operator -A generates a strongly continuous compact semigroup {TA(t)}t0 given by


We shall denote by C the space of continuous functions:

C={ϕ:[-r,0]Z1/2:ϕis continuous},

endowed with the norm


The control uC(0,τ;U), with U=Z, B:XU is a linear and bounded operator(linear and continuous) and the functions Ike:[0,τ]×Z×UZ, F:[0,τ]×C×UZ satisfies the following inequalities:

F(t,ϕ,u)Z1/2σϕC, (19)

where σ:R+[0,) is a continuous function.

In this case the characteristic function set is a particular operator B and the following theorem is a generalization of Lemma 2

Theorem 3 If vectors B*ϕj,k are linearly independent in Z1/2, then the system (18) is approximately controllable on [0,τ].


In this work, we prove the interior approximate controllability of the strongly damped equation with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions by using a new technique avoid fixed point theorems applying by Bashirov A.E. and Ghahramanlou N. (2013), Bashirov et al. (2007), Bashirov A.E. and Mahmudov N.I. (1999). After that, we present some open problems and a possible general framework to study the controllability of semilinear second order diffusion process in Hilbert spaces with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions. The novelty in this paper is that the literature of control systems with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions is very short, there are a very few numbers of papers on systems with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions simultaneously. That is to say, control systems governed by partial differential equations with impulses, delays and nonlocal conditions have not been studied much.


We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their suggestions and comment that help us to improve this paper.


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Published: 31/10/2019

Recibido: 07 de Julio de 2017; Aprobado: 09 de Septiembre de 2019


Hugo Leiva after completing his PhD in Georgia Tech, USA, in 1995, went to Venezuela to continue his teaching, researching and extension work at the Andes University, particularly training many young people at the undergraduate, masters and doctorate levels, being tutor of 8 doctoral theses and author of more than 130 papers in international and prestigious journals. His research interest are Differential Equations, Control Theory and Functional Analysis.

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