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Revista Eugenio Espejo

versión On-line ISSN 2661-6742versión impresa ISSN 1390-7581


VERDEZOTO UNDA, Stella Damaris; ESTRELLA CAHUENAS, Bertha Magdalena  y  ROBLES AGUIRRE, Renato Samuel. Sobrevida en población pediátrica con leucemia linfoblástica aguda tratada con protocolo ALLIC-BFM de quimioterapia. Revisión sistemática. Rev Eug Esp [online]. 2023, vol.17, n.1, pp.78-97. ISSN 2661-6742.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common childhood neoplasia. Current treatments allow more than 80% disease-free survival for five years. In 2000, a chemotherapy protocol called Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster intercontinental lymphoblastic leukemia (ALLIC BFM) was tested. The investigative process was carried out using the PRISMA methodology. This study aimed to systematize the information about the survival of pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with the ALLIC BFM chemotherapy protocol in its 2002 or 2009 versions. 52% to 91.7% of patients showed an overall survival in patients where the 2002 protocol was used, and disease-free was from 45% to 83.3%; while, with the use of the 2009 protocol, an overall survival of 71.1% to 90% was reported, and disease-free survival was 69.4% to 90.3%. The main factors affecting survival were treatment-related complications, high-risk patients, and insufficient medication.

Palabras clave : Leukemia Lymphoid; Survival Analysis;; Drug Therapy; Child.

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