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vol.4 número2Educación continua, educación permanente y aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida: coincidencias y divergencias conceptualesDisputas en torno al cierre de la escuela comunitaria Río Cenepa -Tauri, Ecuador índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Andina de Educación

versión On-line ISSN 2631-2816


PRIETO CRUZ, Óscar Andrés. Intercultural Environmental Education as alternative to holistic thinking formation: a study case in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Revista Andina de Educación [online]. 2021, vol.4, n.2, pp.74-82. ISSN 2631-2816.

This document discusses the principal results of analyzing Intercultural Environmental Education (EAI) carried out in a primary education institution located in Puyo, Pastaza, Amazon region of Ecuador. An analytic approach to EAI was built drawing from grounded theory, considering the voices of the relevant actors for this case study. This article describes the potential of EAI and its main challenges for positioning it as a major current of alternative education with the potential to contribute to a holistic formation of new generations committed to the socio-ecological transformation in the wake of the great crisis of our current present time.

Palabras clave : Intercultural Environmental Education; Environmental Education; Intercultural Education; Holistic thinking; Grounded theory.

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