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Revista Científica UISRAEL

On-line version ISSN 2631-2786


PAZ PAREDES, Jaime Ernesto. Socioeconomic vulnerability to hydrometeorological hazards. RCUISRAEL [online]. 2021, vol.8, suppl.1, pp.55-65. ISSN 2631-2786.

The objective of this research was to analyze the factors that cause the high level of socioeconomic vulnerability due to hydrometeorological hazards that affect the development of San José de Camarón, Ecuador. The methodology applied was based on a mixed approach, by descriptive and exploratory scope, the population was 368 families living in the precinct; the sample was determined by a non-probabilistic sample by convenience, where 172 subjects were worked with, the data were collected through observation, interview and surveys. As part of the results, it was found that the hydro-meteorological hazards have a significance value of 0.894 > 0.05, which determines that the hazards of drought, floods, river overflows, landslides, diseases in people and biological diseases in crops, affect the population, crops, livestock and housing. As for the conclusions, it was determined that the main action to achieve sustainable development is in land-use planning policies, alliances with academia, the use of new technologies in the agricultural sector, forestation programs, associativity and the generation of capacities for resilience to natural hazards.

Keywords : impacts; alliances with the academy; sustainable development; land use planning policies; resilience.

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