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Revista Ecuatoriana de Neurología

On-line version ISSN 2631-2581Print version ISSN 1019-8113


ESCORSA-REALPE, Edison Alexander  and  MAQUILON-MORENO, Alida Vanessa. Episodic Memory Evaluated From Neutral And Emotional Stimuli In Patients With A History Of Traumatic Brain Injury And A Control Group. Rev Ecuat Neurol [online]. 2022, vol.31, n.3, pp.22-32. ISSN 2631-2581.


To compare the performance in episodic memory evaluated with neutral and emotional stimuli in patients with a history of traumatic brain injury and a control group.


This research had a non-experimental quantitative methodology, it was a quasi-experimental study of descriptive scope of comparison between groups; the group with a history was made up of 15 patients from the Hospital Universitario del Valle in the city of Cali, of which 8 were men and 7 women; the control group consisted of 15 participants: 5 men and 10 women. Episodic memory with emotional and neutral stimuli was assessed with the Auditory-Visual Emotional Memory Test and the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT), respectively.


Statistically significant differences were found in most of the episodic memory subtests evaluated with neutral stimuli, at the level of storage, interference, short- and long-term memory, and semantic false positives; Regarding the memory evaluated with emotional stimuli, significant differences were identified in encoding and recall.


There is evidence of a lower performance of patients with TBI in memory storage with neutral stimuli, which influences their low score in recall, in relation to the emotional they present a lower performance in the ability to estimate the value or general emotional weight of the story, which seems to influence proper encoding.

Keywords : Episodic memory; emotional memory; traumatic brain injury; control group..

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