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Revista Ecuatoriana de Neurología

On-line version ISSN 2631-2581Print version ISSN 1019-8113


PERALTA-CUJI, Ivone Jeanneth; OCHOA-AREVALO, Víctor Francisco  and  COBOS-CALI, Martha Esperanza. Systematic review of the literature on. Child Neuropsychological Evaluation in Ecuador. Rev Ecuat Neurol [online]. 2021, vol.30, n.1, pp.125-134. ISSN 2631-2581.

The objective of this study is to identify the cognitive functions evaluated and the tests used in child neurocognitive screening.

Through a systematic review of the literature, the academic databases Pubmed, Scopus, Sciencies Direct, Redalyc, Scielo and APA Psycnet were examined between the years 2014 and 2019. The results show that the functions considered for the evaluation are: language, memory, visual perception, attention, executive functions and learning abilities. In addition, the studies identify cognitive profiles based on the Wechsler, Kaufman Batteries and Infant Neuropsychological Assessment (ENI) scales.

In Ecuador, the Ministry of Public Health has not developed an instrument to carry out neurocognitive screening for children, so postgraduate thesis investigations were identified with the use of tests for specific situations such as violence, attention deficit, learning problems and screening Infant highlights the use of the BREV Rapid Neurocognitive Function Assessment Battery model as a recommendation for a child neurocogitive screening instrument.

Keywords : Neuropsychological test in childhood; Neuropsycholological evaluation and childhood; Infant Neuropsychological Evaluation and Neuropsychological Profile..

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