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Ñawi: arte diseño comunicación

versión On-line ISSN 2588-0934versión impresa ISSN 2528-7966


GONZALEZ LEMA, Carlos  y  MONCAYO MONCAYO, Antonio. Brand management and construction. An experience with crabs in Guayaquil. Ñawi [online]. 2023, vol.7, n.2, pp.211-230. ISSN 2588-0934.

The present article contains an analysis of the implementation of branding in crab restaurants in the city of Guayaquil. Most of the establishments observed in this study have graphics related to crabs, but the contribution to generating a consumer experience is minimal or non-existent. The study reviews the Master Brand model for space management proposed by Joan Costa, analyzing consumer tastes and preferences. Using these inputs, a guide is proposed for the application of branding in the field of crab restaurants that contributes to a different and more satisfactory experience for consumers.

Palabras clave : Guayaquil; crab; experience; brand; branding; spaces.

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