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Ñawi: arte diseño comunicación

On-line version ISSN 2588-0934Print version ISSN 2528-7966


UCHAKI DE MATOS, Dayana. Aracuã & Other Ways of Living and Saying in Education. Ñawi [online]. 2023, vol.7, n.1, pp.119-133. ISSN 2588-0934.

This article proposes the cultivation of a speculative gesture by imagining the consequences of understanding worlds as pluriontological and multispecific. Proposing that western education would be a corollary of western metaphysics circumscribed as control of the continuity of a way of existing, through a discussion between authors such as Anna Tsing, Haraway, Stengers and Viveiros de Castro, I claim the ethical urgency of pausing and looking around to com-fabulate- with different ways of living and narrating. When we decide to expand the spectrum of realities of existents who participate in our practices and decisions, incorporating other temporalities as eligibility criteria, what I propose here is to assume the possible attitude of stuttering mentioned by Stengers, claiming that writing in other ways means living with and from other modes of existence.

Keywords : Education; pluriontological; ways of living; scripture.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )