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vol.5 número2Hackear la línea abismal. Por una farmacología artística descolonial en el “Capitaloceno”El schock colonial. Tecnologías de lo humano y arte fronterizo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Ñawi: arte diseño comunicación

versión On-line ISSN 2588-0934versión impresa ISSN 2528-7966


MARTIN, Nadia. Robotic bodies, closer to "this side" than humanist inheritance. Reflections arising from our contemporary technological art. Ñawi [online]. 2021, vol.5, n.2, pp.65-82. ISSN 2588-0934.

In this work I address three works of robotic art developed by Latin American artists: ENT-e (2012) by Gabriela Munguía, TZ'IJK (2013/4) by Paula Gaetano-Adi and Gustavo Cremblin, and Cartografías Invisibles (2018) by Ana Laura Cantera and Demian Ferrari. I assay a de-colonial perspective, aimed at understanding the autonomy of their material, aesthetic and conceptual programs. I analyse the strategies by which these productions modulate alternative body imaginaries to those of the anthropomorphic, machinic and hyper intelligent model of modern humanism. I conclude that these robotic creatures not only challenge the mind-body opposition widespread to the one of software-hardware, but also, by means of materiality introductions such as mud, vegetables or fungi, as well as the raising of behaviors based on what is sensitive and somatic, they explore a natural-artificial continuum in which affective exchanges and collaborative relations with the environment are suggested. They, thus, set us closer to "this side" regarding sensitive western modernity orders.

Palabras clave : decoloniality; body imaginaries; latin american art; new materialities; robotic art; posthumanism..

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