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Revista Chakiñan de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
versión On-line ISSN 2550-6722
DUARDO, Carlos; DIAZ, Liety y SUAREZ, Joaquín. THE PROOF OF EQUALITY OF TRIANGLES. CONSIDERATIONS FOR BASIC SECONDARY. Revista Chakiñan [online]. 2023, n.21, pp.170-181. ISSN 2550-6722.
The topic of the equality of triangles, the fundamental basis for the study of geometric contents, is taught and consolidated in the eighth grade. The present research proposes the feasibility of applying the General Heuristic Program as an alternative for the treatment of the teaching content in the demonstrations of equality of triangles in the eighth grade of Basic Secondary School. The dialectical materialist method was used with the predominance of the quantitative approach and assumed a study sample of 23 students from an intentionally selected group of eighth grade. Observation, analysis of the product of the activity, and interview were applied together with other methods and techniques. These made it possible to verify the difficulties in the teaching-learning process of the contents related to Unit 2 Plane geometry and calculation of bodies, specifically on the topic of equality of triangles. This is complex for the learners since they must apply concepts, propositions as well as procedures. For all these reasons, it is necessary to use the General Heuristic Program, which is incorporated through demonstration exercises. The partial evaluation of this work gave a positive result, which shows the effectiveness of the proposal.
Palabras clave : Mathematics; heuristics; equality of triangles; proof.