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Revista Chakiñan de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
versión On-line ISSN 2550-6722
HERRERA, Luis; NOVILLO, Miguel; CASTELLANO, José y VERA, Juan. INTERCULTURALITY FROM THE NATIONAL PLANS OF GOOD LIVING. Revista Chakiñan [online]. 2019, n.9, pp.10-21. ISSN 2550-6722.
This study establishes the productive correlation between the theoretical contributions on interculturality and the proposals that have been formulated in Ecuador's development plans. The theoretical reflection was based on fundamental contributions, understood as decolonization processes to share power, in which new ethical agreements would characterize societies and cultures. The main objective of the study was to analyze the inclusion of the intercultural theme in the National Plans for Good Living (2009-2013) (2013-2017). The methodology used, in this process of reflection and analysis, was hermeneutic, understood as interpretation and understanding of texts. As results, a broad inclusion of interculturality is detected in the plans mentioned. The problem is projected, when the inhabitants must apply these plans in the social and cultural daily life, since it contemplates contents written in highly technical languages and sophisticated epistemologies, of difficult access for the majority of the Ecuadorian citizens and, even, for professionals.
Palabras clave : Interculturality; development; Good Living.