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Revista de Ciencias Humanísticas y Sociales (ReHuSo)

On-line version ISSN 2550-6587


CABEZA, Katherin  and  DURAN-APONTE, Emilse. Vocational guidance needs in secondary education. A proposal through technologies. ReHuSo [online]. 2021, vol.6, n.2, pp.93-109.  Epub Aug 01, 2021. ISSN 2550-6587.

Abstract The work of a vocational counselor is to accompany this choice by providing the student with an efficient and timely advice. However, Venezuelan public institutions lack the human and material resources to achieve it. This work consisted of investigating the vocational guidance training needs in a middle school campus, to later submit a web resource proposal to address this situation. The sample was 215 students selected by intentional sampling. The counseling needs, the type of pertinent information and the indispensable elements for the student body were diagnosed through instruments, and it is evident that 79% had not defined what they would do when leaving high school. Finally, a web resource was developed and validated and proved to be an adequate and appropriate tool for each of the levels of secondary education to which it is addressed. This experience constitutes a contribution of singular importance to the secondary education, since it represents more than choosing a university, when considering options related to the learning of trades and occupations, the search of employment and the making of personal decisions that will have a meaning for the future of these young people.

Keywords : education; pedagogical orientation; digital technologies; vocation; professional interests.

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