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Revista de Ciencias Humanísticas y Sociales (ReHuSo)

On-line version ISSN 2550-6587


HENRIQUEZ CORONEL, María Angélica et al. Leísmo y uso del plural expresivo en las estrategias conversacionales empleadas en Mercado Libre Venezuela. ReHuSo [online]. 2020, vol.5, n.1, pp.75-90.  Epub Apr 02, 2020. ISSN 2550-6587.

Linguistic courtesy consists in a polite set expressions used in any social relationship in order to avoid or al least mitigate conflicts among participants in communicative interchange. The variety of linguistic structures for this purpose become in consensus-based formulas of courtesy. In the present research, the courtesy and its linguistic forms used by the seller-buyer binomial were analyzed, once the sale was made on Mercado Libre Venezuela, an e-shop. It is based in Theory of courtesy (Scandelle, 1996), Ciberlingua (Fraca, 2006), Leísmo (Lapesa,1996 y García 1995) Reanalysis of plurals quantifiers and intensity quantifiers. Methodologically, the investigation was under qualitative paradigm and netnography as research design. The sample was collected from e- shop chats from May to June 2019 and the analysis of the corpus required the design of ad hoc matrices to organize and identify the data according the linguistic forms appeared in it. This allowed to conclude that courtesy leismo was frecuently employed as the main linguistic form of courteous treatment. The preference of use of le as an accusative clitic pronoun was notorious with verbs like call, send, give and wait. There was also relevant presence of ritualized nominal formulas of courtesy in singular and plural

Keywords : Leísmo; linguistic courtesy; courtesy plural pronouns; linguistic; cibercommunication..

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