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Revista San Gregorio

On-line version ISSN 2528-7907Print version ISSN 1390-7247


NONTOL OYARCE, Lupita Mabel; MONTENEGRO MARIN, María Roxana; RUIZ ACUNA, Hugo Martín  and  FERNANDEZ OTOYA, Fiorela Anaí. Design thinking as a methodology to develop autonomous learning in students of Peruvian schools. Revista San Gregorio [online]. 2022, vol.1, n.51, pp.209-230. ISSN 2528-7907.

The changing reality demands the innovation of the instruments and methodologies in the teaching and learning process, to the extent that more demands emerge that the students must be able to solve. In this sense, design thinking emerges as a transformative methodology for educational spaces and content, due to the multidisciplinary approach, the shift of attention towards students and the a priori relationship it has with complex thinking. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the close relationship between design thinking and complex thinking, for which a rigorous review of scientific texts and research within the national and international academic community was carried out. The approach is qualitative, specifically interpretive phenomenological, based on the methodology of systematic review. Due to the methodological application, an intrinsic and directly proportional relationship was found between complex thinking and agile methodologies such as design thinking. It should be noted that the difficulty of the study lay in not finding sources directly related to the expression "Design thinking as a methodology to develop autonomous learning in students of Peruvian schools", therefore, a more rigorous search was carried out that analyzed the variables separately.

Keywords : Autonomous learning; desing thinking; education in Peru.

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