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Revista San Gregorio

On-line version ISSN 2528-7907Print version ISSN 1390-7247


MENDOZA MUNOZ, Gretty Katiuska  and  PARRAGA MUNOZ, Sonia Monserrate. Information literacy and digital competence in teaching pedagogical management. Revista San Gregorio [online]. 2022, vol.1, n.51, pp.126-138. ISSN 2528-7907.

Teaching digital competence is the set of knowledge, abilities, skills and abilities related to the use of technology to generate means learning that contribute to pedagogical management. The objective of this research is to analyze the pedagogical conduct of the classroom based on the teaching digital competence with an emphasis on information literacy. This study is qualitative and quantitative, the information was collected from teachers and educational colleges principal through a survey, and in addition, an interview was applied to two experts. The results show a considerable level of collaboration and exchange of information between teachers for the management of digital technologies and they are interested in learning and including these tools in pedagogical management, however, they have a low level in the development of the information literacy skills. It is concluded that teachers must use a model taking into account the skills of knowing how to identify, locate, store, organize and analyze information through web search engines, evaluating its purpose and relevance in the acquisition of knowledge.

Keywords : Information literacy; digital competence; pedagogical management; educational innovation; digital information.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )