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Revista San Gregorio

On-line version ISSN 2528-7907Print version ISSN 1390-7247


DELIACIR CUZQUEN YOCYA, Sara Randy  and  ESPARZA HUAMANCHUMO, Rosse Marie. Quality of life at work of the municipal employees of Tucume - Peru. Revista San Gregorio [online]. 2022, vol.1, n.51, pp.78-95. ISSN 2528-7907.

The quality of life at work represents one of the most relevant actions in institutions and companies because it is related to the well-being of their employees, this research characterizes the quality of life at work of the employees of the District Municipality of Túcume - Peru. The type of research was non-experimental, under a descriptive design. For data collection, a survey was applied to 44 collaborators, and the reliability coefficient of the instrument using Cronbach's alpha was obtained with a value of 9.68, for processing the SPSS 25.0 program was used. The as main results, it obtained that 45.50% stated that they were not very satisfied with the institutional support, 38.60% were not satisfied concerning job security, 45.50% were not satisfied with concerning well-being achieved through work, and 63 .60% are not satisfied with their personal development. Finally, it is concluded that the collaborators are not very satisfied with the quality of life at work, represented by 43.9%. The results of the investigation allow to prus oppose actions to generate work motivation in the collaborators of the local public management.

Keywords : Quality of working life; collaborator; public management; leadership; work motivation; municipality..

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