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Revista San Gregorio
On-line version ISSN 2528-7907Print version ISSN 1390-7247
SANTIESTEBAN LADRON DE GUEVARA, Marlen Guillermina; IZAGUIRRE BORDELOIS, Marioneya; BERGUES MUSTELIER, Jorge Javier and BETANCOURT CASTELLANOS, Liset. Auditory effects of noise in workers in a dairy industry. Revista San Gregorio [online]. 2021, vol.1, n.47, pp.63-80. ISSN 2528-7907.
This is a study carried out on 56 workers in the dairy industry exposed to industrial noise above the permitted levels for a period of 3 years, with the aim of determining the auditory effects that this exposure could be generating. An otolaryngological examination was initially performed to rule out any non-noise-related hearing impairment and then an audiological examination of the airway at different intensities, descending, in addition to an interview and physical examination. Most of the individuals were men, and the age most represented was between 40 to 49 years, with a predominance (30.2%) of exposures to noise from 11 to 15 years; sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus were the most frequent hearing effects with 15.1% and 11.3%, respectively. The means of personal protection were not used in 71.7% of the respondents. Most of the workers were exposed to noise for more than 10 years, with sensorineural hearing loss being the most frequent hearing effect, and arterial hypertension was the most prevalent from personal pathological history. The little use of means of protection turned out to be a possible aggravation of the health situation of the workers.
Keywords : auditory effects; means of protection; industrial noise; noise exposure time.