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Revista San Gregorio

On-line version ISSN 2528-7907Print version ISSN 1390-7247


BORTNYK, Nadiia; BALIAN, Anush; MYKOLAYIVNA POPOVA, Liliya  and  HENADIIVNA HASPARIAN, Serafyma. Corruption manifestations as a threat to national security: new challenges and problems of counteraction in the Ukrainian realities. Revista San Gregorio [online]. 2021, vol.1, n.46, pp.158-169. ISSN 2528-7907.

The purpose of the article is to focus on the current state of anti-corruption in Ukraine, as well as possible ways to improve this situation. The article uses a systematic approach as a general scientific method, logical-semantic methods, mixed methods of data collection, methods of theoretical analysis and systematization, a method of generalization. Corruption has been considered as a social phenomenon recognized in many instances as one of the main negative factors for Ukraine. Unfortunately, the stigma of a corrupt state for Ukraine is a negative factor, first of all, its economic attractiveness. The corruption background is not only an indicator of serious problems within the country, but also creates a significant obstacle to Ukraine's international image and reputation, which impairs the quality of potential interaction with the outside world. All this allows researchers to call corruption one of the most dangerous threats to Ukraine, as the most serious internal problem, which is a threat to Ukraine's national security. On the other hand, granting corruption in Ukraine to the status of a threat to the "national security of the state" is a useful tool, as it allows to sharpen considerable public attention on this issue.

Keywords : Corruption; effective counteraction; national security.

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